03: how rude of me

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Strolling down the isle, Valerie smiled to herself hearing Bonnie and Damon argue over who got to push the shopping kart. They really were like children. Shaking her head, she listened in, "I got it, Bonnie." Damon outlined, followed by the faintest sound of disapproval from Bonnie.

Valerie was guessing Damon had won that miniature battle. Picking up some pasta, she turned throwing it into the kart. There had been no other instances since the other night when Bonnie revealed her eye-opening theory that there maybe be others here, messing with them. She wasn't sure if she believed it but watching the pair bicker back and forth about it was extremely amusing.

"We need strawberries, eggs, milk and... candles." Bonnie read off the list hesitantly; a list that Damon insisted she drew up every time they left the house.

Valerie hadn't been out on one of their shopping trips for a couple of weeks and she was going stir-crazy being stuck in that mansion. Bonnie had subtly instructed her to not stray too far from the house in case her theory was correct. Seeing the candles further down the isle, she started forward just as Bonnie asked, "Val, could you grab some candles."

Turning back to offer a hardy thumbs up, Valerie replied, "On it."

Still within hearing distance, she rolled her eyes upon hearing Damon quip, "I don't see why you're getting candles. I know it's been a while, but you couldn't do magic as an anchor, so I'm curious as to what momentary lapse of reason makes you think you can do it now?"

Grabbing a six pack of tall white candles, she traipsed back to the kart and deposited them whilst giving Damon her best stink-eye. "Were you always this much of a judgmental prick or is it this place that brings it out?"

Laughing and turning her head from them, Bonnie grabbed a tray of eggs, "No, he's always been like this. However this place does bring it out a lot more than usual."

Turning onto the next isle, Valerie grabbed the list from the kart and began seeing what else they needed. Glancing over her shoulder she witnessed Damon smirking smugly at Bonnie as she raised an eyebrow in question, "You know when you first came here you sucked at making pancakes and now they're somewhat edible."

Valerie had never complained about Damon's pancake making skills for fear of having to make her own meals. She found she quite enjoyed the routine of his pancake-making antics.

Reaching up, she grabbed a packet of chips from the top shelf, leaning forward to see through the cracks and admiring the desolate store. Plopping down from her tip-toes, she headed back to the kart. Bonnie and Damon were still rivaling as she approached, nothing new however. She'd known one of their most intense and drawn-out arguments to last up to three days. Depositing the chips, she saw Damon was right in front of the milk, prodding his arm she pointed, "Milch, bitte."

Damon, looking to his right at the milk, didn't find her German amusing, "I'm assuming that's German for milk."

"Correct, grab some." Spinning back around she caught up with Bonnie who'd began ahead. Picking up some sun glasses from a stand, she placed some on her head and as Damon and Valerie got closer, threw a snazzy looking pair with black rims at Valerie, "There's no need to be peter-pessimist Damon, when we have proof that we are not alone."

Nodding in agreement, Valerie gestured towards Bonnie, "Damon, you have to admit: it makes sense. Who else is doing all those things?"

Pointing at Bonnie, Damon chastised, "First of all, don't nickname, that's my thing. Second of all," Switching to Valerie, he added in, "dont encourage her because this mysteriously filled in crossword could've been easily done by you Bonnie."

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now