19: no reason

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Valerie stretched her arms above her head and flinched hearing Kai's groan of pain. "Ow, what the fuck? What you punch me in the face for?" Valerie groaned in reply. "Good morning to you too Honey." Kai rambled off.

Opening her eyes, Valerie saw she was nestled into the crook of Kai's arm, which was extremely comfortable. And it was morning, just a couple of hours until they left this piece of shit world. "Aren't you just chirpy this morning." Valerie accused.

He was extremely tense, his arm was like a steel cage around her shoulders. They'd fallen asleep talking. Talking about stupid pointless shit they'd missed. He obviously had a larger list, he'd talked for hours and she'd found herself enjoying herself listening to him talk.

Sitting forward, she touched her toes. "You feeling nervous?"

Yawning, Kai plopped his leg leisurely on his knee. Why was everything he did hot? Was it just her? Was she seriously fucked? "No. Nervous of what?" Kai questioned.

"Of going home, seeing your family. It's been a long time."

His tone of voice did a complete 180, "Oh, no. I'm not nervous I've been planning this day for 18 years."

Peeking at him from over her shoulder, Valerie wondered, "What have you planned?"

Spiking up, Kai popped the joints in his arms. The bottom of his shirt rose up and Valerie found her eyes drawn to the trail of hair there. Jesus.

Walking away from her, Kai changed the subject, "Do you want any breakfast?"

Not giving up, Valerie followed him, "Just some orange juice please."

Sitting across from him, Valerie tried not to think about the two traitors she spend the last four months in this kitchen with. "What are your plans then?"

Smiling crudely, Kai revealed, "A big fat fucking family reunion."

"You think they'll fo-" Thinking better of asking that, Valerie wondered, "Was it ever good?"

Looking up from buttering his toast, Kai quizzed, "Was what good?"

"Your family."

Taking a bite from his toast, Kai figured, "Don't all family's have their good and bad days."

Nodding her head in agreement, Valerie replied, "Sure."

Motioning at her, Kai questioned, "What are you gonna do?"

Valerie actually had no clue. Her family thought she was dead. Her parents probably found her body. She couldn't just explain that away. Not even her miraculous appearance would make them forget that. "I don't know."

"You'd go home right?" Kai affirmed.

Dazed, Valerie replied, "Yeah sure." She wasn't sure she would.


They were in the caves under the town. The eclipse was going to be here in ten minutes.

Kai had absorbed the magic from the knife and held Bonnie's blood and that weird looking device Bonnie and Damon had used to leave. The ascendant. Apparently Bonnie had really done a number on it when she left, so Kai had to piece all the parts together.

Kai was thinking. He was dwelling. Where would she go? What was she going to do? Would he ever see her again? All questions zooming through his head at two hundred miles per hour. These thoughts were dragging him down. It had been less than a week and he was already attached. He couldn't be attached. Attachments meant weakness.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now