08: definitely a witch

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Bonnie and Valerie were seated at the kitchen dining table finishing off their dinner. An awkward silence was still heavy in the air because not five minutes ago, Damon had stormed out swearing Bonnie to hell and back. She guessed they weren't that far however considering this was someone's real life hell.

Waltzing in like a sulking toddler to the kitchen area, Damon emerged from behind Valerie and dumped his plate and cup into the sink. "Bonnie, if you'll just hear me out,-"

"Damon, I don't know how many times I have to say no. It's not going to happen."

This conversation had been going on all evening in a large variety of different ways, sometimes Bonnie would storm off, sometimes Damon would smash his glass and sometimes Valerie would disappear upstairs to get some peace. It was becoming increasingly more attractive for her to do the latter.

"Hear me out; we can still get out of here. We can just steal the ascendant off of Kai and figure out what he knows and then we can leave."Approaching the table, Damon throws his dishrag down in front of Valerie, "He doesn't have powers anyway."

"Actually, it's not that simple." Kai's voice came from behind Valerie. She spun as he leisurely walked into the kitchen with an expectant look on his face.

"You have got to stop doing that. It's creepy." Damon warns him, taking his dirty dishrag back to the sink.

Walking to the other side of Valerie, she could no longer see him as he explained, "I have a peculiar effect on magic. I can't generate it myself but I can consume it from others temporarily." Firmly taking his position between Bonnie and Valerie who were still in shock at the table, Kai confided, "Family called me an abomination."

Glancing offhandedly down at Valerie, he swiftly reached for her arm, "That really hurt my feelings."

As soon as Kai's grasp around her arm tightened, Valerie felt a shooting pain that flew straight up her arm. It felt like thousands of tiny needles were scraping their way through her arteries all the way to her heart and back again. It was a strange pulsing kind of pain and one she'd never experienced before. "Ow, Kai. You're hurting me." She assumed he was doing just what explained he could do and it hurt like a motherfucker.

Just as Bonnie leaned forward to intervene, her chair went flying back against the wall and Damon fell to his knees. Covering his head, Valerie could hear and see Damon in what seemed to be a whole world of pain. Well, join the club honey. Valerie chastised herself, yet again for thinking extremely inappropriate things in times of fear.

Creating a satisfied hum, Kai confirmed, "Oh, she's definitely a witch." Roughly grabbing Valerie's chin as she tried to stand up out of the chair, he turned her attention and gaze to him, "You've got quite a lot of magic stored up in there." Kai admonished with glee. Aiming for his stomach or crotch, Valerie threw a punch that he caught embarrassingly fast. Tutting his tongue at her, he let go off her clenched fist and shook is finger in warning. Valerie swore that if he shook that finger at her one more time she'd snap it off.

The pain she felt from him taking her power, or energy whatever they called it had slowly dwindled and she no longer felt the sharp stab of pain. There was only a slight numbness left where his hands had clasped her forearm.

Strained but comprehensible, Bonnie manages out, "Okay, Kai. We get it." Damon's pained moans were still filling the small kitchen, until Kai flicked his fingers and Bonnie chair de-attached from the wall and Damon's hands fell from his head. Valerie wasn't really sure what it was Kai did to Damon to incapacitate him but it must have hurt like a bitch to take a vampire down.

Pulling himself up off the floor, Damon concluded, "I smell an ultimatum."

Still in a position as far away from Kai as she could manage with him basically leant over her chair, Valerie continued her steely glare up at his highly amused face.

Throwing it out there like he wasn't suggesting murder, Kai revealed, "I could just consume all of Valerie's and Bonnie's magic but I'll end up killing them." Sparing a glance at Bonnie who was smoothing her hands over her bruised neck, Kai pointed out, "Or we could work together and can all go home as friends. Or, like I said, I can just take their magic, kill all three of you and go home alone."

Stepping back from Valerie's chair, Kai admonished, "What'll it be?"

As soon as Valerie had the space, she zoomed out of the chair and backtracked towards an aggressive looking Damon.

Sending a questioning look at Bonnie, Damon pushed his away along the island until he was level with Valerie and softened his voice, "Bonbon?"

Extremely pleased with his little show, Kai turned to Bonnie, "So what's it going to be, Bonbon?"

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now