22: silently screaming

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Valerie awoke and moaned her discomfort. Her back was stiff and her ankles and wrists felt raw. Peeling open her eyes, she frowned seeing a metallic black door. She was sprawled on her back on what had to be the worlds most uncomfortable slat of wood.

Rolling her head around, she saw she was in the back of a van. Just great.

Everything came back to her. That fucking lanky prick-Ralph had used his magic to knock her out. All of those years of prevention strategies she'd accumulated were useless against witches.

He was sat in the back with her, his hunched frame leant into the front compartment of the van. He hadn't noticed she was awake. That was good, she could use the element of surprise in her favor. She'd already bypassed the cardinal rule of never let them get you into a vehicle, so now she had to fight tooth and nail to get out.

She listened to their conversation, straining to hear over the rattle of wood.

"Yeah, we're setting off now. She's still out cold and should be for a while." The unfamiliar voice was met with silence. Confused, Valerie angled her head to see better. None of the other two, Ralph and the other guy replied. He must've been on the phone. "We haven't seen Kai around. He's probably laying low, trying to keep a low profile."

"No, Liv said she hadn't seen him." Liv? Valerie tried to remember. Was that one of Kai's siblings? "You think she'd lie about that? Okay, well we will keep an eye on her too."

"Will do. Bye sir."

Trying to remain silent, Valerie tested the strength of the rope. "Bye sir."' The driver mimicked. "You're such a lick ass Johnathan."

Peering over his shoulder at her, Ralph reprimanded, "Shut up. Focus on the road. What did Josh say about Valerie?"

"He said to just keep her."

Scoffing, Ralph outlined, "Keep her? Why?"

John, leaning on his window replied, "I don't know. He said just keep her and wait; she has no one that will come looking for her. Everyone thinks she's dead and Kai will eventually come."

Sensing Ralph's eyes on her, Valerie remained frozen. "Well she didn't seem to think so."

These guys were whack. Certifiably deluded. Valerie had no clue what they had planned for her, but she wasn't sticking round to find out. Twisting her wrists, she tried to loosen the rope. Crouching down, Ralph idled his way towards her. "Ah, she awakens. That was fast."

Backing against the wall, Valerie warned, "Stay away from me."

"Not so bold now are you?" He carried on his pursuit.

Kicking out at him, Valerie scooted back. "Fuck off."

Laughing, Ralph admired, "There she is."

Peering over their shoulders, the driver and John scorned her with their eyes. Fucking witches.

"Seriously, stay the fuck back." Throwing a surprisingly accurate hard kick, Valerie slammed her boot into his shin. His sickly skinny leg buckled and he cursed, "You fucking bitch."

She didn't realise she could do that much harm, but she hadn't taken into account his weak frame. Magic may have been his strong suit but she knew how to kick. "Don't come any closer, you lanky fuck."

Wrapping his fingers around her ankle, Valerie felt pain shoot up her leg. Jerking it back, she tried to loosen his hold. Aiming for his face, she aimed her kick. "Get the fuck off of me."

Settling her with an angry glare, the driver demanded, "Can't you shut her up?"

Crawling his way closer to her upright form, Valerie attempted to stand up. Her legs bunched at unnatural angles. Scooting away, Valerie choked when his hands found her throat. Wrapping his wiry long fingers around her neck, pressure crushed her. It came from the inside.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now