07: rainchecks

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Kai was leading the way to what he proposed was the ideal place for Bonnie to do the spell. Valerie, Bonnie and Damon were trailing behind him reluctantly.

Valerie was imagining the faces of all her friends and family when she turns up alive and re-enters their lives again. She had no idea how she would explain herself but she was counting on their surprise and happiness to quell the questions.

Valerie heard Bonnie whisper to Damon, "There's something in this paper about Portland, Oregon." Apprehension was laced with her words. 

"So what?" Damon answered dryly.

Valerie assumed Bonnie was so attached to that paper, the paper that started this all, that she was bringing it as a memoir back with them. "Look here; family massacred in Portland;" Bonnie read out, "The only one missing was the oldest boy, 22 year old Malachai Parker..."

Valerie was so consumed in what Bonnie was saying she didn't watch where she was walking and sped right into Kai's side as he pondered, "Who names a kid Malachai? It's like they expected me to be evil." He had a sturdy wide set of shoulders on him, she'd always like that in guys. Removing that thought from her mind, she concentrated.

Placing his hands on Valerie's shoulders to steady her, he stepped aside to stare directly at Bonnie. "You killed these children." Bonnie flustered.

"Yup, my dearest little brothers and sisters." An empty cavern opened where Valerie supposed her heart should be at the mention of his little siblings. She was all too familiar with being murdered by an older brother. How had she found this psycho attractive? She was all kinds of fucked up. She didn't think she could ever lay a hand on an innocent child, let alone her little brother and sisters. Older brothers were supposed to look after their siblings; not smash their head in on a counter in a drug-induced haze or massacre their entire families.

Damon's face was one of disgust whilst Bonnie was still fleeting from the paper to Kai, probably comparing him to the children. "I didn't kill everyone. I had a soft spot for my sister, otherwise I would have cut her lungs out and not just her spleen."

Having problems processing how he spoke so casually about doing that to his own flesh and blood, Valerie had to bite back vomit. "What the fuck? What is wrong with you Kai? Or do you prefer Malachai?" Valerie spat, acid spilling through her words.

"Nothing's wrong with me and I prefer Kai. You can survive without a spleen." Strolling closer to Bonnie, Kai glanced down at the paper.

Seemingly thrown for the loop, Damon declared, "Something tells me you're not speaking hypothetically."

He received no answer, as Kai maneuvered himself beside Bonnie so that he could point at the photos of his siblings. When Kai's attention fleeted away, Damon sternly motioned for Valerie to come closer to him. Not willing to disagree and getting extremely freaked out, she obeyed.

Tapping his finger at the images, Bonnie leaned away from him as he described, "Those two I hung off the stairwell railing, then I put a hunting knife in her abdomen and him, I drowned in the pool." Looking to the sky, Kai seemed to be reminiscing in the memory before adding, "But he kept fighting me and I was like; I saved you for last, you ungrateful little shit."

Turning away from the equally astonished trio, Kai explained, "But that was then."

From what Valerie had figured out from Damon and Bonnie's arguing, Damon had done a lot of fucked up shit in his many years of life on earth but even he seemed disgusted by the way Kai so off-handedly described murdering his younger siblings.

"You just killed them? Your little brothers and sisters?" Valerie's outburst had Damon frowning.

"My entire coven to be precise." Met with Valerie's confusion, Kai continued, "Oh, you know? A family of witches... well you wouldn't know now would you?"

Interjecting from nowhere, Bonnie contributed, "You're a witch?"

Nodding animatedly, Kai motioned for them to keep walking. When no one complied, he elaborated, "Yeah of course. No powers obviously. The Gemini coven didn't like it so much when they heard what I did in Portland. So they vanished me here."

Finally understanding the events of the last 2 months and the very existence of this world, Damon conceded, "So this is your prison."

"Then why are we here?" Moving closer to Valerie, Kai answered, "I don't know, maybe you did something inconceivably evil too."


Storming back into the Salvatore mansion, Bonnie refused for the fifth time to take them back. "I'm not setting that psychopathic serial killer free in the world Damon."

Valerie, for once, had a similar view to Damon on this subject. Kai wasn't their problem; they let him out and they go back to their lives and never hear from it again. It was a win-win. "Bonnie, come on. It's our way home, we can see our families again."

"He's a serial killer Valerie. I'm not letting him out," Bonnie firmly stated.

"I'm right here you know." Kai made obvious from the front door.

"Oh, I know."

"Bonnie, so what if he was a serial killer. It's our only way out." Damon pleaded, getting worryingly close to Bonnie's face.

Kai made his way into the hallway, avoiding looking at Valerie completely, he watched the interaction between them. Leaning against the wall, Kai negotiated, "Come on Bonnie! You want to go back to your friends and I want to go back to give the rest of the Gemini coven an excruciating death. It's a win-win."

Trying his last plea, Damon pointed out, "I know he's not a model citizen Bonnie, but we have to get back."

Backing Damon up, Valerie walked into Bonnie's vision and told her, "Bonnie, please. He's not our responsibility. He's not your responsibility; you don't have to keep him here."

Shaking her head in defeat, Bonnie's guilty gaze passed between her two pleading friends, "I'm sorry guys. But we're not going back."

Striding forward, Kai's face was the image of impatience, "It doesn't matter now anyway. We've missed the eclipse." Heading for the front door, he called over his shoulder, "Rain check for tomorrow?"

Shouting back in frustration, Bonnie promised, "No."

Smiling crudely before he passed out of sight, Kai looked Valerie straight in the eyes as he swore, "Don't worry, I'll be back."

She wanted him to come back; she wanted him to help them go home. They needed his help and she was willing to look past his horrific actions if he'd help them get home; she had family waiting for her, people who loved her. But also, a tiny part of her just wanted him to come back. She wasn't sure if that was for reassurance or some over unknown reason.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now