04: what do you notice?

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Placing one of the rinds between his lips, Kai pondered, "Oh, you think this is annoying. You should try listening to you and Bonnie bicker every five minutes," looking to Valerie for reassurance, "am I right?"

Valerie could feel Kai's eyes on her as she tried to process the situation, she had to mentally stop herself from gawking like she was trying to catch flies. Eventually deciding against answering what was probably supposed to be a rhetorical question, Valerie, getting increasingly more confused, spared a glance at Damon who accused, "So, you've been following us?"

Nodding his head animatedly, Kai focused his attention on Damon for once, "'Course I have. You're the closest thing I have to a Tv. No Baywatch, but... remember Baywatch?"

Valerie wasn't sure if she should be worried or amused, "No." answering at the same time, Damon said, "No. I do not."

Apparently very passionate about Baywatch, Kai insisted, "Ah, man. You gotta' watch it. You like lifeguards? Like hot ones?"

Standing up, Valerie placed her hands out in front of her for some reason she couldn't fathom, to interject, "Look...Kai. We're kind of-no, extremely confused right now. Could you maybe explain what the hell you're doing here?"

Dusting off his crumb coated fingers, he dropped the empty bag and elaborated, "Yes I can."

Having no patience whatsoever, Damon started, "Look, I've had a monumentally bad day in a sea of bad days. So I'm going to need to know who you are, what you're doing here and how it relates to us? Or I'm going to rip you're throat out,"

"Damon!" Nudging his shoulder, she turned back to Kai, "He doesn't mean that."

"I'm just giving him fair warning."

"It's okay Valerie." Pushing himself up from deck chair, Kai sauntered forward, "One day that tempers going to get you in trouble Damon."

Valerie felt like she was between two immovable objects that were surely going to collide. "He doesn't mean it, he's just stressed." Not reading much into what Kai was saying, Valerie was much too interested in... well, observing him. He wasn't a boy, no, more a man. He was tall too, taller than her by at least a couple of inches and even taller than Damon. He must be at least 6ft.

One second, she had her eyes on Damon and the next he was holding Kai up by the lapels of his jacket. "Shit, Damon, what the actual fuck are you doing? Put him down."

Kai didn't seemed fazed being in his position nearly a foot of the ground, just hanging there. Damon swapped his focus from Valerie to Kai, completely ignoring her suggestion, at which point Kai's demeanor did a 360. "Sorry, okay. I'm just a little rusty on the whole face-to-face human interactions."

Tapping Damon's shoulder, she prodded sternly, "Damon!"

Dropping Kai to the ground, he pointed his finger at him whilst turning away, "Answers." Reaching for a bottle of bourbon off the closest shelf, he reminded, "Now would be nice."

Valerie honestly had no clue on the dynamics of this conversation, she was used to there just being three of them and she'd spend the majority of the time on the sidelines but without Bonnie's prudent personality here to keep Damon grounded she felt like she had to take up that role. Feeling increasingly more stupid as the seconds ticked on, she crossed her legs over one another and tried to avoid contact with Kai who was watching her for something.

Shuffling subtly closer to the garden furniture, Kai suggested, "Have a drink Damon." It came out a tad forward, but nobody noticed, "That usually makes you sad, and angry and then calm again. It's a weird cycle."

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now