37: security

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"Alaric, why are you doing this?" Valerie questioned, as he motioned for her to get out of his car.

He'd walked her out of Kai's apartment at gun point and into his car, where he drove them onto campus. Throughout that time, his gun was firmly aimed at her. So many times, she'd thought about trying to use her powers to get rid of the gun. But she was scared and in no way in control of her powers, she could accidentally make his finger pull the trigger or make the thing explode. If that was even possible...she wasn't sure on the dynamics of gun design.

"I've told you. It isn't anything personal, Valerie. For some scary reason, Kai cares about you, or the Kai-version of caring, which isn't saying much...but I'm hoping it's enough to dissuade him from his path. Give him a little incentive to leave Jo alone."  Alaric outlined.

Slamming his door, Valerie stomped in front of Alaric as he marched behind her. "This isn't going to work."

"Well, we'll see won't we."

Rolling her eyes, Valerie was beginning to think that Alaric was all bark. "Alaric, do you really think that pointing a gun at me is enough to stop a life long plan that Kai has been dreaming about putting into motion for 18 years?"

"What are you kids up to?"

Valerie prided herself for not jumping when Damon appeared out of nowhere. "Jesus, you need a bell."

His eyes roaming from the gun at Valerie's back to Alaric and then back to the gun were moving at 100 mph. "Whatcha doing there Alaric?"

Before he could respond, Valerie replied, "He thinks this routine will stop Kai. Which, is ridiculous and I've told him this several times." Valerie emphasised.

Staring daggers at Alaric, Damon suddenly began smiling. Clapping his hands together, Damon explained, "Well this is all going to work out perfectly. As it seems, I've made a deal with a certain testy werewolf to protect his girlfriend's brother and prevent him from playing the hero etc."

Nodding at Damon, Alaric agreed. "Let's go then."

Scoffing, Valerie spun around, "You can't be serious!"

Taking a menacing step towards her,  Damon grabbed her arm. Valerie was slammed back against Damon's chest. Memories of the last time they were this intimately acquainted flashed across her mind and a phantom hand enclosed around her airways.

"Call this our security."

Valerie's frantic eyes shot to Alaric who looked just as puzzled as she felt.

"Damon, get off. What the fuck are you doing?"

She heard a tearing sound and he raised his arm to her face. "Let's hope for your sake this doesn't go south."


Kai shot up. He was laying in the damp grass, the mildew drenching his jeans. Raising his arm, he wiped the sweat of his brow and scanned the clearing.

Luke was down too, except he hadn't got back up. Had it worked? Had it truly worked? Kai felt for his power storage which should have been low after attempting the spell and he felt it.

He had power, he had his own power. It worked, it had actually worked. He had Luke's power now, he would never have to siphon ever again.

The power running through his veins was like nothing he'd ever felt before. It was electrifying.

A rustling came from behind Luke's body. Kai slowly came to a standing, his body felt like it had been run over by a semi.

Jo's withered form stumbled out from the woods, tears in her eyes as they locked on Luke.

"What have you done? Kai!" She ran towards his body and spun him over to see his face. She repeated quietly, "What have you done?"

"What you were never strong enough to. What I was born to do."

"You idiot! It was supposed to be me. He's just a kid, it was supposed to be me."

Kai approached her, nonchalantly adding, "If it makes you feel any better, I don't think you would have survived either. As it turns out, I'm a lot stronger than I originally thought."

"You're a monster."

Kai placed his hand over his stomach and let out a deep belly-rumbling laugh, arching his back to the heavens. "Oh, don't worry. I know that. I mean, how could I forget that I hold the reclusive title of the Parker abomination. It wasn't like I was ever allowed to forget it. Not during fathers beatings, family dinners or mother's crying."

Tears streaming down her face, Jo met Kai's stare.

"Did you know that? Mother used to cry, used to scream at father , asking what she did to deserve such an abomination, a monster? What could she possibly have done? I heard it all, I knew what everyone said about me for years."

Kai places his hands on his knees and bent towards her. "So, the way I figured it is, make it so they're not liars." Choking on his words, Kai finished, "I killed them."

"Kai! Get away from her." Alaric's booming voice rang out into the clearing.

Jo's head spun and she searched for him, "Ric." She breathed out.

"Now the whole gang is here." Kai sand out, spreading his hands wide.

Three figures walked from the woods. Alaric walking at the forefront, behind him Valerie tripped into the moonlight, Damon's hand a clasp on her shoulder.

Damon zeroed I'm on Luke's body and his face paled. "Well Tyler, I've failed."

"Come here Jo." Alaric commanded.

Kai looked to Jo, Alaric, anywhere but meeting Valerie's stare. "It doesn't look like she's leaving that body any time soon."

"It's not a body! It's Luke! He's your brother!"

Kai mock yawned.

Stepping closer to Jo, Kai reached his hand behind his back, when it reappeared he was holding his favoured hunting knife. Alaric re-aimed his gun.

"Don't you dare Kai. Drop the fucking knife and Jo, get over here!" Alaric shouted, fear chasing his words.

"Kai. Just leave, you got what you wanted." Valerie pleaded.

He ignored her and Alaric's warning, speaking quietly to Jo.

"Kai." Valerie's voice broke.

Without looking over, Kai replied, "What are you doing here Valerie? I told you to stay home."

He really had the audacity to be a dick, right now?

Valerie scoffed. "Does it really look like I'm here of my own free will? Just walk away Kai. It's done."

Kai snapped. One moment he was looming over Luke and Jo, brandishing his knife and the next he was stood behind Jo, his knife at her neck.

Damon laughed, "You really are stupid."

"Do it Ric." Damon goaded. "Shoot."

Damon shouted, "Do it."

Valerie felt herself being pushed forward as Alaric turned towards her. His gun aimed between her eyes.

The bullet left the barrel and Valerie fell to the floor.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now