27: not that kind of witch

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Sat on a large grave, Valerie scuffed the mud out of her shoes. She realized sitting on someones grave may come across as disrespectful of the dead but she'd witnessed death first hand and couldn't have gave two shits if someone was sat on her grave. She wondered where her parents had even buried her? Was there another version of her body still there?

Damon was throwing rocks at a restrained Kai. She'd seriously had enough of all this shit.

Kai was tied up on the opposite side of a tombstone, metal chains holding him down on the other side of the anti-magic barrier. Damon's stones were skimming the rock and every so often one would hit Kai. On any other occasion, she may have found it funny, hilarious even. But she was just plain tired.

Alaric had taken Jo to the hospital, leaving her in the excellent company of Damon and Kai. Amazing.

"So this whole anti-magic thing? Is it more like a dome or a bubble?" Ignoring him, Damon threw another stone and it narrowly missed Kai's retreating head. Okay that one was funny.

Throwing another rock, the shrapnel from when it exploded on tree hit Kai in the face. Laughing, Valerie half-requested, "Come on. Stop it now."

"Like if you were in a 747 flying over Mystic Falls, would you just fall out of the sky? I mean, that would be dangerous. Say you're flying to New York, and your pilot reroutes for weather-"

"How's this? When I kill you and you're in hell, you can ask as many dead travelers that question as your heart desires." Damon snapped back.

Sighing, they were like petulant children, Valerie suggested, "Damon, just ignore him. He's trying to get a reaction out of you."

Chuckling, Kai peered over his shoulder at her. "Oh, yeah Damon. Ignore me because that will get you somewhere. How immature of you Valerie."

Giving him the finger, Valerie rebutted, "Fuck off."

Laughing louder, Kai questioned, "You still mad that I left you, huh?"

A conniving look passed over Damon's face as he lifted an eyebrow at Valerie in question. Shaking her head, she replied it was nothing. She wasn't so sure he believed her. Valerie wasn't going to give Kai the satisfaction, turning her back from him, she laid down on the grave rested her head on her hands.

Throwing another stone, Damon commented, "You're a weird kid."

"Coming from the vampire man-child, that's rich." Valerie quipped, not bothering to look at him.

"Damon?" Kai shouted.

Throwing a rock, Damon shouted in return, "What?"

"You said a lot of travelers? Must've been a pretty big spell." Kai spoke offhandedly.

He shut up after that, thankfully. Just in time too, as Alaric pulled up in his beat-up red truck. Getting out of his vehicle, he demanded, "Damon? What the hell are you doing?"

Swinging her legs off the tomb, Valerie spat, "He's working on his knuckleball, can't you tell?"

"Damon, we're supposed to be keeping him alive." Alaric pointed out.

Continuing his throwing, Damon pondered, "I'm gonna ask again why we're going against all logic to protect him for some girl you just met?"

Alaric's face dropped. Anger replaced his shock and then resignation, Valerie guessed he'd already accepted that was just who Damon was. "Shut up Damon." Valerie demanded, jumping down.

"You're a real dick, you know that?"

Smiling sarcastically, Damon threw more rocks at Kai's back.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now