18: bitchin bod

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"So, who was that guy?" It had been 4 hours since they'd set off and after a rocky take off, all became well. Within the first hour, Kai had attempted to gain her forgiveness by pretending to fall asleep and other crazy shit which made her hate him more.

The asshole had the nerve to kiss her and then steal her magic, not only was that fucked up. But he then used said magic to make sure she couldn't leave the plane. And then tried to fake-kill her in the same fucking plane.

Then she started thinking; Kai must now that guy.

"Hello, did you know him?"

Looking straight ahead, Kai answered, "No, I did not know him."

Thinking on it, Valerie added, "But he knew you."

Sighing, Kai answered, "It appears so. He obviously doesn't know me enough."

Crossing her legs, Valerie waited, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Staring intently at Valerie, Kai outlined, "If he really knew me. He'd know that doing what he did would result in his painful, inevitable death." He accentuated the painful. "Yet he still did it. So it's obvious who ever told him about me, didn't tell him everything and since I've never seen him before, he must be a new member of the coven."

"You're father's coven?" Valerie liked their current dynamic. She wasn't going to bring up the kiss and she was praying he wouldn't either. He'd probably prove her worst fear and say he only did it to steal some of her unwanted magic. Her hoping for any explanation other than that was incredibly desperate and not to mention unhealthy.

She found she was often forgetting who, or what she was in the presence of. But he acted so normal she forgot.

"That's what I'm thinking."

Chewing her lip, Valerie prodded, "What else are you thinking?" The vague question could be interpreted one of two ways and she honestly couldn't say which one she'd have preferred.

Sparing her a quick glance, Kai replied, "I'm thinking my father heard news that I wasn't alone here and that I was close to finding Jo's magic and had Bennett blood, so he sent someone here to make sure I didn't find her magic." Valerie was following along with his theory and so far it made sense. "But instead, he found you. So, logically he tried to kill you."

Spitting out a fake laugh, Valerie demanded, "In what way is that logical?"

Taking his eyes off the airspace, Kai turned his head. Noticing his eyes on her, Valerie returned his stare. "It's logical."

"Care to explain why?" Valerie quizzed, humor creeping its way in. Damn it. How did he always find a way to lighten every situation. Maybe she was just fucked.

Contorting his face, Kai smiled, "Not really no."

Laughing, Valerie nudged his arm. "You're a dick."

Looking over at her, he glared pointedly at her fist. "You like beating me up don't you? You little sadist."

"Excuse me? That's rich coming from you." Valerie spat back.

An awkward smile split his face, knowing he had her cornered, he asked, "What's that mean?"

Observing the clouds they flew through, Valerie offered, "Absolutely nothing."


Valerie was all for giving credit where credit was due. But she wasn't sure not sending them to hell in a burning metal bird deserved said credit. After an extremely long argument over Valerie's state; Kai had demanded: demanded, not suggested but demanded, she sleep. After telling him she was too on edge he offered to magically put her under to which she told him where to shove his magic. Which was really her magic. Siphoning sure was fucking weird.

Arguments also ensued when Valerie questioned which airport they'd be landing at and Kai replied none. None. He figured there was plenty of empty streets in Mystic Falls to land on. So not only did he not have a pilot license but he wanted to land a plane in the middle of town.

In his favor, he did land the plane.

They were now walking through the abandoned familiar streets of Mystic Falls. She suggested they sleep the night back at the Salvatore Lodge. Kai hadn't refused, so they were half way there.

Kai led the way, his backpack slung over his shoulder. Pestering him, Valerie inquired, "How long were you watching us?"

"When?" Kai chomped on some sweet candy.

"Reassuring answer." Valerie added, "Before we met at the store."

Answering off-handedly, Kai peered over his shoulder. The sun was setting behind the houses and shadows were claiming the streets. "I'm not sure. A couple of weeks."

"Why?" Valerie demanded.

Chomping animatedly, Kai replied, "Why what?"

"Why watch us so long before approaching us?" Valerie outlined, catching up to him.

"I was trying to figure you guys out. I'd never seen a vampire before, never even knew they existed."

Looking dazed, Valerie agreed, "Neither did I. Apparently Mystic Falls is a hotbed of mystical beings. Who'da thunk it?"

Chuckling, Kai began, "I watch-" before Valerie interrogated, "You were on my balcony right?"

Pre-flinching, expecting her to lash out, Kai stepped away, "Yes." Waiting for her reaction, he added, "But not how you're probably thinking. You've got a dirty mind on you."

Trying to hit him, Valerie swung and missed, "I do not."

"You do." Kai skipped ahead, "I see you looking at my bitchin bod."

Laughing to the skies, Valerie managed out, "You did not just say that. You are such an old man."

"Hey! Rude." Kai threw the scraps of his candy at her.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now