38: you're welcome

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Kai stopped breathing. That didn't just happen. That couldn't have just happened.

He let out a piercing roar and unleashed his power. A wave shot out of Kai's body and sought out their targets. Damon and Alaric flew into the air, their bodies catapulted into the distant woods. Kai sprinted forward, sliding onto his knees in the damp grass.

His hands reached for her but stopped just short. She was facing away from him. His Valerie; lying on the cold floor, not moving.

There was a red pool beneath her head. That should have confirmed it, but it wasn't enough.

Maybe it was sick morbidity but he needed to see. She wouldn't leave him, she couldn't; He wouldn't allow it.

His breath was panting out in harsh strokes as his heart ran a mile a minute. He'd never felt this before. He wasn't attuned to his own body in that moment.. He felt like a stranger in his own skin.

He wasn't aware of anything but her body. She should have been breathing, she should have sat up and punched him in the arm, goading him or hell...even screaming at him for doing something so stupid. Anything would have been better than his reality.

Slowly, Kai slid his arm underneath her back and raised her onto his lap. Her face was turned away from him and the visual of a hole in her head made bile churn in his stomach.
He heard footsteps now, all around him.

Looking up, he found he couldn't see clearly. His eyes were blurry and stinging. Salty tears were streaming down his face to rest on his top lip. He was crying, he couldn't remember the last time he had cried. Not even when his entire family betrayed him and locked him away.

Running the back of his sleeve across his eyes, Kai glanced around himself. Damon and Alaric were slowly approaching, the disappearing moon casting dark shadows across Valerie.

Kai envisioned a tight vice around Alaric's throat and tightened it. Alaric fell to the floor, attempting to pull in air with his deep guttural gasps. Before Damon could make himself a nuisance, Kai raised his right hand and motioned with his wrist. His neck snapped. Damon's body now lay sprawled in the grass,

his neck at an un-natural angle. Alaric's choking was the only sound that accosted his ears.

Placing Valerie back on the ground, Kai raised up off his knees and allowed his eyes to journey back to her. This was his fault. He felt tears burn a trail down his cheeks as he stood to his full height. Swiping them away, he let out a deep sigh and a humourless chuckle.

He heard harsh crying behind him, Jo's frantic voice making noises that his brain couldn't be bothered to comprehend. He assumed it was something along the lines of 'please; or 'no, stop!'.

He fumbled behind his back, his fingers grasping around the hilt of his knife as he approached Alaric's thrashing body.

"Why did you do it Alaric?" Kai asked slowly.

"Did you think it would stop be from killing my sister? You've been sorely mistaken. She will still die, but now, so will you."

He knelt down once again in the grass, the cold no longer registering.

"You've destroyed the one good thing I had..." Kai trailed off, "The only good thing I had."

Pointing the knife at Alaric's throat, Kai made a slicing motion and shook his head. He felt Jo approach behind him.

"Kai, please stop. Don't kill him." Jo's whiny voice pleaded with him.

"Why would I ever do that?" Kai turned on his heel and sized her up.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now