17: kiss theft

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Valerie knifed up off the sofa. Jolting back, Kai spilt his drink down his shirt and shot backwards. He was perched on the coffee table, watching her sleep-which was not as creepy as it sounded.

"Be careful." Kai warned Valerie as she pushed herself into an upwards position.

Her face creased in pain, Valerie moaned, "Owwww-ow. Okay-ouch."

Reaching across to help her up, Kai clucked his tongue, "I told you to be careful. The wound's still raw and will tear easily. You've gotta' take it easy for a while."

Avoiding his eyes, Valerie dropped her head into her hands. "Oh god. He stabbed me. He fucking stabbed me."

An angry growl escaped as Kai accused, "Did you know him?"

Reeling back, Valerie placed her hand on Kai's parted knees. She only realized then what position they were in. She was basically sat between his legs. Snatching her hand back, she shook her head, "What? What do you mean? Why would I know him? The dude fucking stabbed me." Anger rising to meet Kai's agitated state, Valerie replied.

Scooting back, Kai placed his drink down and offered, "The way you spoke, it was like you knew him."

"No, I do not know him. He was the guy I saw last night though, and I'm pretty sure he was also the same guy who drowned me in your pool." Kai flinched when she brought that up.

Valerie really needed to applaud herself, she thought she was taking this all pretty well. Standing up, she stretched her back and let out a contented sigh. Kai tried his best to not stare at her boobs as they were basically pushed into his face. God, he had so many problems.

Pointing her toes, Kai followed Valerie away from the sofa. "I found where Jo hid her magic."

Jerking around, Kai was unprepared for the punch Valerie slugged into his arm. "What the hell? Why didn't you say that earlier? We can go home? What time is it? Has-"

Interrupting her rambling, Kai added, "It doesn't matter at this present moment. You need to heal and the eclipse has already passed."

Her annoyance obvious, Valerie pushed his shoulder again. Kai was really beginning to get pissed off. He'd let her off the first time because the woman had just been stabbed, but his patience was wearing thin. "Why didn't you wake me up? You just let me sleep when we could've left this place. What is wrong with you."

Raising her fist to push him again, Kai clasped her raised arm. "Don't. Don't hit me again."

He pulled her closer into his body, Valerie pulled the opposite way. "Why didn't you wake me? Kai we could've gone home."

Punctuating each word, Kai revealed, "You needed the rest and we've got to go back to Mystic Falls first anyway."

Letting go of her forearm, Kai turned back to the coffee table, his chest rising and falling at a steady pace once again. Valerie was ashamed to say that when his face was close to hers, anger present and frustration rolling off of him in waves, she was extremely turned on. Which was inappropriate in so many ways.

"Were leaving for the airport as soon as you've eaten." Kai explained.

"But I'm not hungry." Valerie replied, which was half a lie. Honestly, she just wanted to get him riled up again. She was positive he wouldn't hurt her. "Wait-what? The airport? There's no pilots."

Disappearing into the kitchen, Kai called, "I'm our pilot."

Following after him, Valerie let out deep rumbles of laughter, "No really! Why are we going to the airport?"

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now