13: water burns

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Valerie awoke with the sun streaming in through Kai's blinds. Taking in his vast assortment of posters and furniture, she could make them out better in natural light compared to the night before.

"I've made breakfast."

Swinging her body out of bed, Valerie quizzed, "How do you move around so quietly! It's not natural."

His eyes roaming her pajama clad body, he smirked mischievously, "I see you made yourself at home."

Standing up out of bed, she mocked guilt, "Sorry, I just found them in one of the drawers. And I did not want to sleep in jeans again."

Raising his hand behind his neck, he began rubbing it and leant against the doorframe. "Nah, its fine. They look better on you."

Valerie admired herself in his sweatpants and oversized tshirt. She could admit; it was a look. She'd slept like a baby in them last night, partly because of their softness but also because the bed and the shirt smelt like Kai. Which was indescribably weird.

Clapping his hands, Kai disappeared down the corridor, "Hurry up, breakfast awaits."

Sliding onto the kitchen barstool, Valerie admired Kai's professional form. He seemed to be in his element, wearing a fitted grey jumper and black jeans he looked like he'd just stepped off a CQ magazine. Placing the pancakes onto a plate beside eggs and bacon, Kai warned, "Now I'm no pancake master like Damon but they're edible."

The mention of his name had Valerie thinking about how he'd just left her. They'd both just left her. Noticing her face fall, Kai carried on, "After breakfast we'll carry out a furrow search of the house and also outside."

Nodding her agreement, she dug into her first cooked meal in days. "You really think we can get home?"

Taking a bite of his eggs, Kai munched with food on show, "Of course."

Fake balking, Valerie coughed, "That was disgusting. Never do that again."

Laughing up at the ceiling, he leveled her a smile, "Did you not like that?" Placing more food in his mouth, he joked, "Like this? Was that what you didn't like."

Laughing, she tried not to choke on her mouthful of pancakes. Washing it down with orange juice, she stated, "You are disgusting."


Making her way along the top floor of Kai's house, he'd instructed her to look for something that looked out of place or recently moved. She didn't really think he believed she was of any help to him, but he'd put her to work anyway. And for that she was thankful. There's nothing she hated more than sitting around doing nothing.

Valerie had been into all of his sibling's rooms and was headed down the spiral staircase when she heard something shatter from downstairs. Following the noise, it lead to an office. Kai was sat behind a large mahogany desk, resting his arms on his knees in a red leather chair. His head was cradled in his palms, so he hadn't noticed her arrival.

She located the source of the crash, there was a large portrait of his dad smashed on the floor.

"He was a real prick, huh?"

Jolting out of his hands, Kai pierced her with his eyes. "Yup."

Approaching him, she leant on the desk, "No luck?"

Standing up, he came around the desk, "Nothing yet."

Lowering her chin, she conceded, "Where should I look next?"

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now