11: you're jealous

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Waking up, Valerie groaned as the sunlight crept through the curtains into her eyes. She was still unbelievably tired after sleeping like the dead all night. As soon as Kai had suggested they lay their feet to rest at the motel across from the diner, she'd sang hallelujah.

Kai had first directed them into his go-to suite for when he was travelling across states but Valerie had shut that down straight away. There had only been one puny double bed. One that, apparently Kai so no problem with their sharing.

So after kicking up a minor fuss, Kai had marched to the reception desk and returned several minutes later with the keys to a twin room. She did not know how to take him. One minute he was stabbing her friends, stealing her magic and the next he was flirting and suggesting they bed-share. This was so not that kind of road trip.

Focusing her gaze at Kai's half of the room, she couldn't help but smile at his strewn out body. He was lazing on his stomach with his arm outstretched and half of his leg out of the covers. Climbing out of the bed, she approached him. Taking a minute to admire his peaceful expression, she noticed how it contrasted so much with his always emotive face. When awake, it seemed like he was always hiding underneath his moods and sneers.

Saying his name, she nudged his shoulder, "Kai." Nudging him again, harder this time, "Kai, wake up."

Again he didn't so much as flutter an eyelid. Placing one of her knees on his bed, she attempted to roll him over. "Kai." Drawing out his name, she reminded him, "We need to get going."

The air left her lungs as she became airborne, one moment she was shaking his shoulder and the next she was underneath him on the bed with her feet at an awkward angle dangling off the bed. Kai was panting heavily above her and his eyes glued her to the spot.

"Morning." She squeaked out.

Kai's body pinned her to the mattress, his tall, lithe form surprisingly heavy and compact. Every exaggerated breath she took raised her concealed breasts against his torso. So, she was slightly turned on. There was no way he could feel her nipples hardening through the thin cotton of her shirt. Was there?

His eyes were half-mast and a effortless smirk marred his plump lips. Realizing what position they were in, Kai's face softened and he let out a dramatic sigh and dropped his face into the pillow beside her head. He was not going back to sleep. Tapping his shoulder, she prodded, "Kai, could you get off me?"

Groaning into the pillow, he pleased, "Give me minute."

Shaking her head, she tried to heave his body up. "No, not a minute. Get up now we've got to get on the road."

She slapped her hands harder and harder against his shoulders until he finally sighed once again.

Reluctantly, huffing and puffing the entire way, Kai placed his hands on either side of Valerie's head. She felt cocooned between his muscled and tanned arms. The veins down his forearms were at the surface and she had to remind herself that it wasn't becoming to salivate like a dog or bite his arms either. Avoiding his eyes at all cost, she fixed her gaze on the ceiling and reprimanded, "We should've set off hours ago."

Sleepy voice in full motor, Kai assured her, "We'll be fine. We still have another two days of traveling anyhow. What's another couple of hours?"

Rolling her eyes in defeat, Valerie shoved his shoulder, "Right, well can you get up now."

Turning his body to the side, he conceded, "Sure thing." Zooming up of the bed, Valerie rushed over to her side of the room and shoved her jumper on over her head.

She refused to turn around. Mortified that her lustful expression had shone on the outside as loudly as it had battered her on the inside. She heard Kai's padded footfalls head into the en-suite bathroom. Shortly after, the door slammed shut and the jarring noise of the shower turning on echoed in the small room.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now