09: promise good intentions

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Valerie had been unable to sleep that night, so as they made their way through the forest early the following morning, she yawned the entire way. She'd been kept up by her racing thoughts, they were relentless yet welcomed.

"We still can't trust him. Kai will fuck us over." Bonnie made exceptionally clear, yet again.

Appearing from behind a wall of trees, Kai sang out, "I hear my name. Good things I hope." Striding up to them, a stupid grin lit up his face and his eyes had a certain giddy shine to them.

He was wearing a thick denim jacket... with shorts. Not the most logical combination but Valerie supposed fashion sense was a very different thing in 1994.

Sighing dramatically, Damon swung his pick axe over his shoulder, "Let's get on with it then. Why are we out here?"

Rolling his eyes, Kai patronized, "The eclipse will happen directly overhead in perfect alignment with the Gemini constellation, we'll have to dig into the tunnels beneath this. And when I say 'we', I mean you Damon."

Yet another trivial task. Valerie plonked her ass down, expecting she'd be sat out in the morning sun for a while. Kai began walking away without sparing anyone a glance.

Valerie shouted, peering around a tree to see him, "Hey, where are you going?"

"In to town, I need to gather some important supplies. Why? You wanna come?"

Before she had the chance to reply, Damon butted in, "No, she does not. Go ahead."

Shrugging his shoulders, Kai walked in the direction of town.


Several hours later, the sun was high in the sky and Damon was stood in an almost human sized hole in the ground. Taking a sip from her can of lemonade, Valerie reminded Damon, "You do realise there's a very probably chance you're  digging all of our graves, right?"

Ignoring her, Damon continued swinging the axe into the ground. The therapeutic thud of it hitting mud had lulled Bonnie to sleep. Shaking her head in disbelief, Valerie added, "Okay then. Guess you're not bothered."

Dropping the pickaxe one last time, there was a resounding crack as chunks of earth fell beneath Damon and he was forced to jump back to stop from falling in. "Found the cave system."

Shaking Bonnie's arm to wake her, Valerie replied, "Well no shit."

Just then Kai waltzed out of the foliage carrying a black backpack over his shoulder. As soon as he came into sight, Damon vamp-sped over to him and snatched his bag. Rifling through its contents and seemingly happy with what he did or didn't find, Damon threw the bag to the ground before declaring, "Right, well lets get down there."

Lurching up from her uncomfortable sleeping arrangement, Bonnie sluggishly stated, "No, we're not going anywhere. Not until he tells me what the spell is."

Following Bonnie closer to Kai, Valerie tried to figure out what angle she was coming from. Admiring Kai in all his boyish glory, he raised his eyes brows expectantly at Valerie and placed his hands into his pockets in defeat.

"Wait, are we literally not going anywhere?" Valerie quizzed hysterically.

Kai and Bonnie were in their own fucked up version of a Mexican stand-off, getting fed-up, Valerie strode forward and proclaimed, "Fine, you don't want Bonnie to do the spell. Take some of my magic and do it yourself." Turning to negotiate with Damon, she added, "So that solves that problem."

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now