34: beg me

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Valerie slammed the car door shut and walked around to meet Kai.

"Hey! Watch the car." Kai chastised.

Scoffing, Valerie rolled her eyes. Standing beside him, she took in the creek where she used play as a child, where Keller would push her into the water and they'd spend the summer nights relaxing. It hurt thinking about him.

Watching her closely, Kai gently nudged her shoulder. "I'll have you know, I paid my God honest tax dollars on that very there automobile, so excuse me, if I wish to keep it in this condition."

Valerie couldn't help but laugh. "You're such a looser."

Walking backwards towards the water, Kai spread his arms out. "You're only now realizing this?"

Following after him, Valerie tried to avoid looking in the direction of her house.

"No, I've always known you were a huge freak."

Shaking his head, when Kai saw he was at the edge, pulled his shirt off. Valerie's eyes unconsciously fell to his toned stomach. Goddamn. The late afternoon sun was setting and the light bounced off his abs in an amazing gravity defying manner.

Tilting his chin to the side, Kai popped his jaw. "Oh really?"

Valerie couldn't answer. Her mouth opened but she was staring, remembering. Remembering what happened last night and from the look on Kai's face he knew exactly what kind of effect he was having on her.

All she could do was offer a measly nod in reply.

Kai dropped his chin and began stalking towards her.


He showed no sign that he'd heard her.

When he was toe-to-toe with Valerie, he was all she could see. His wide shoulders blocked out their surroundings and she felt his fingers tilting her chin up to meet his eyes. He was smiling and his eyes mirrored it.

Seeing the turmoil reflected back at himself, his expression dropped and he frowned. Valerie wanted to push it from her mind, but she couldn't.


Turning his back on her, Kai let out a heavy sigh.

"You said you would drop it Val."

Still fretting but unable to keep her eyes off his body, Valerie noticed the tense knots in Kai's back as he wrung his arms above his head. She felt like shit. She knew it was irrational and that she had no right to ask Kai to stop or even be pissed about it, but she was.

If Kai did die, she didn't want her last memories of him to be shitty ones. And that was what she was making, she didn't even like to think it.

Shrugging her shorts down, Valerie awkwardly kicked her sandals off and pulled her shirt over her cast. Striding forward before she could stop herself, she bypassed Kai and threw over her shoulder, "Are you coming or not?"

Walking down the steep incline, she finally got to the bottom. There was a rickety old wooden walkway that rang along the shallow end of the water that looked as if it was in need of replacement. Shaking her head, Valerie supposed it would have to do. If she got splinters in her arse, she'd be making Kai pull them out.

Sensing Kai hadn't followed her, she looked up the cliff where the car was parked. She couldn't see him. He hadn't left had he?

Just as she was about to head back up, she saw the top of Kai's head approach the cliff face. He came running into sight and took flight off the edge. Valerie shook off her earlier fear, he wouldn't leave her. Except, that was exactly what he was risking.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now