31: his first

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"So how does the merge even work?" Valerie asked before devouring her last slice of pizza. That was the best meal she'd had in months.

Taking a sip of his wine, Kai outlined, "Jo and I will do the ceremony during a celestial event and whoever is more powerful survives."

"And the other dies..." Valerie finished his unspoken words.

Downing the contents of his glass, he placed it in the sink and grabbed a beer from the fridge. "Do you want one?"

"Nah, I'm good." Sliding the empty pizza box into the waiting bin, Valerie lazily marched for the sofa.

Kai ripped the top off of his beer and stared out into the darkness. He didn't seem scared yet Valerie was. He could die, disappear, cease to exist. She wasn't prepared to let that happen.

"You'd risk that? You could die." Valerie pointed out, masking her fear.

"O ye of little faith."

Valerie rested her elbows on her knees and admired his muscled back. "I'm being serious Kai."

Spinning towards her, Kai answered, "So was I."

"Are you not the tiniest bit worried that Jo may win?" Valerie voiced her concerned.

Taking a swig of his beer, he met her eyes. "No I'm not worried and neither should."

Valerie simply nodded, she didn't know if he was telling the truth.

Dazed and staring at the wall, Valerie perked at Kai's question.

"Have you seen anyone you know yet?"

"Nope and I don't plan on doing so either. Subtle subject change by the way." Kai was watching her, she didn't know how to react. He was staring intently at her and it was honestly making her nervous.

"Don't you want to see them?"

Leaning back against the couch, Valerie sighed heavily. "Maybe someday but not any day soon. I'd most likely murder my brother."

Kai reached out the arm that held his beer and pointed his index finger at her accusingly. "See, you're not too fond of forgiveness either. We're not so different."

Scoffing, Valerie rolled her eyes. "He killed me, I think a little anger and revenge is justified."

"And my family banished me to a prison world for eternity."

Valerie tried to pause her words but they flew out before she could monitor them. That fucking wine. "Kai, you're lucky you're not dead after what you did to your family."

Tension lay across the room like a heavy blanket and coiled around her neck like a snake. "Why did you do it?" For fuck's sake Valerie. She internally throat punched herself.

Kai dropped his bottle onto the table and avoided her gaze. "I know it's cliché but I just snapped. I'd had enough I guess. I wasn't that mentally stable to begin with... but my dad just wouldn't stop pressing."

Pushing up off the sofa, Valerie didn't say a word. She walked in front of Kai who was frowning at the white carpet beneath his feet. Gazing up into his face she felt towered over by his wide shoulders.

She didn't know what made her do it; he fact that he seemed to be the only person concerned about her, the only person she could go to, or because of the wine or maybe it was just Kai.

Leaning up onto her toes, Valerie tentatively smoothed her palm along the stubble that was raising on Kai's jaw line. She'd love to see him with a beard, Kai could make a hula skirt look good. She wound her arm behind his neck and entangled her fingers in his hair. All the while, Kai's eyes were focused on her face.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now