15: i saw him

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Valerie jolted awake, she'd been dreaming-more of a nightmare really. The water rushed in, she couldn't stop it. She was in the pool again, her arms and legs felt weighed down. It was just like before, except the looming figure above had a face. It was Kai.

She knew it wasn't real, just her brain working through phantom trauma. That still didn't change her deep ingrained fear, sweat had beaded on her brow. Kicking the sheets off of her legs, Valerie cursed the size of Kai's gargantuan house. He was only downstairs, after much debating, he'd agreed to leave her and sleep on the couch.

Valerie reassured herself that she was going down there to get a drink, despite the sink in Kai's bathroom. She wouldn't-no couldn't admit she was going down there to see him. He was most likely asleep anyhow.

The soft indent of her feet on the old wooden stairs the only sound that could be heard, Valerie coasted down the hallway. Stepping into the conjoined kitchen-living area, Valerie spotted Kai's large frame sprawled out on the small couch. He didn't look very comfortable. She supposed it would've been too weird for him to sleep in one of his siblings or parents rooms. Valerie chastised herself, she should have offered-no demanded to take the couch.

She approached the kitchen, deciding not to disturb his sleep. Placing a glass under the faucet, she peered out into the garden. Valerie leaned in closer to see but it was empty. Only the inflatables bobbing in the pool and the tree swing spinning in the night breeze could be seen.

She was jolted back upon hearing the water hit the metal basin. Fuck. She'd been so enraptured by the empty yard, her glass had overflown. Turning the faucet off, Valerie tipped some of the water out and spun to see if it had woken Kai.

He was still asleep. His jean-clad legs dipping off the edge of the couch's arm.

Looking up out into the window, Valerie froze. There was a man. She couldn't see his face but his blond hair stood out from the darkness. Stepping back, she hesitantly aimed her back for the couch. Hearing a floorboard squeak behind her, she whipped around and screamed.

He wasn't outside. He wasn't in front of her. He was in the window's reflection. He was behind her.

The glass slipped from between her fingers, the water sloshing up and spilling down her leg as it fell. Gravity dragged it down and her heart dropped with it. She met eyes with the man. He was tall and lanky, his figure outlined by the slivers of moonlight. It felt like minutes. But as soon as the glass smashed on the ground, Valerie bounced back against the counter to support her. When she looked up, the man was gone.

Knifing up from the couch, Kai jumped into a defensive stance. His beloved knife brandished showing the world he knew how to use it and his frantic eyes searching. His eyes latched on to her and after convincing himself there was no threat, he took in her frazzled state. "Valerie, what the fuck?"

Walking around the counter, he saw the shattered pieces of glass. "For fucksake Valerie. What is it with you and shattered glass?"

Her face ghostly pale, Valerie backed away from Kai. "There was a man. He was there." Limply pointing her finger at where he stood, she maneuvered away from him yet again.

Raising his arms in defeat, Kai questioningly peered around the empty room. "What man? Valerie we're alone. There's no one here. It's just your brain spazzing out remember?"

Adamantly shaking her head, she skated his reaching hands and rushed away. "No. No. Kai, I saw him. You've got to believe me."

An angry haze dropped over Kai's face as he reached his arm out, "Right. Stop. You're going to stand in the glass. Come here."

Shaking her head, Valerie's eyes were glazed over as if she'd seen a ghost.

Making his way slowly towards her, Kai avoided the glass and made slow movements similar to how one would approach a wounded animal. "Valerie, it's just shock. Okay? There's no one here."

Kai wasn't sure what emotion he was currently battling. Whatever it was, it extremely disliked seeing Valerie this way. Her arms out to push him away, Kai gently placed his hand on her shoulder and angled her face up to his. "You're just tired and worn out. Drowning can do that to the body."

Reluctantly nodding her head, Valerie began, "But-"

"No buts." Lifting her weight easily, he carried her in his arms. A smile brightening his face hearing her alarmed squeal. "Kai, what the hell are you doing? I didn't stand on any glass."

"I know you didn't."

"Then why am I being carried. I can easily walk up the stairs, I don't need your help."

Chuckling to himself each time Valerie had dug her nail into his arm to accentuate her points, Kai pointed out, "Good. I'm not doing this for you." Jolting her body slightly, he lifted his arms up, "This is for me, so please just shh."

Angling her head to his, Valerie pointed her toes so they could fit up the stairs. "But why?"

Shaking his head sarcastically, Kai replied, "What did I say about buts?"

Valerie saw his eyes drop to her lips, she wouldn't put it past him to quiet her with his lips.

Strolling into his bedroom, he rudely deposited her on his bed. She'd been trying to avoid his eyes. She was positive that was what her bestfriend Sarah would've called a moment. Valerie was just terrible in general when it came to the opposite sex.

"Hey! Asshole!" Valerie accused, rolling to her side of the bed and slipping under the covers. Looking at him expectantly,  Kai loomed over his bed. "Can I help you?"

His face stony, Kai offered, "Do you want me to stay?"

Scoffing, Valerie patted the bed either side of her. "No. Why?"

Watching her face intently, Kai explained, "No reason."

Turning her back on him, Valerie snuggled into his duvet. "Night then."

Just as she was dozing off, she realized he hadn't left. She'd assumed he'd just slipped away like the silent giant he was. But she felt the bed indent and heard his steady breathing as he lay on the bed.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now