32: running on empty

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  *Authors Note* - as people pointed out, the original draft of this chapter had Damon compelling Valerie but as she is a witch this isnt possible, so ive re-written the chapter with no major changes to the plot besides the insignificant actions that do not effect any other part of the story.    

Throwing the duvet off his body, Kai knifed up out of bed. "I'm gonna get a quick shower."

Stretching, Valerie yawned. "I'll join you."

Seeing Kai, Valerie couldn't help but let out a laugh. He was still stood there naked with a tortured look on his face.

"Yeah, laugh. That's what every guy wants to hear when he's naked."

Sitting up, Valerie explained, "I'm not laughing at your dick Kai. I'm laughing at your face."

Disappearing into the en-suite, Kai called, "Stay in bed a little longer. I'm gonna have a cold shower."

"Lovely." Valerie shouted.

She didn't want to be left alone, she'd get lost in her thoughts. Would things go back to normal now? Did he regret last night?

Hearing the shower start, Valerie kicked the covers off of herself and went in search of a t-shirt she could steal off Kai. After searching through his drawers, she found new and worn clothes. Picking out camo green shirt, she threw it on and smiled at the size. It was more like a dress on her.

Surprisingly, she felt hungry, she would have thought after last night's feast, she'd be full. Valerie was craving some toast, so she marched into the kitchen and set about making herself a breakfast of toast and orange juice. Whilst her bread was in the toaster, she rinsed their wine glasses and binned Kai's beer bottle. It was the least she could do; she didn't want to seem like a freeloader.

With her plate of toast and glass of juice, Valerie perched her ass on the kitchen island and stuffed her face.

Taking a drink, Valerie frowned as the door buzzed. Who would be here at this time in the morning? It wasn't that early but it was still strange to have visitors. And who would Kai even have visiting him?

Jumping down off the counter, she trekked into the hallway. Looking between the front door and the bedroom, she considered whether to get Kai or get it herself. Valerie could still here the shower running, so decided fuck it. Striding for the door, she leant up onto her toes to see through the peel hole. There was no one there.

She rocked down on the balls of her feet and pulled the t shirt down. Swinging the door open, Valerie poked her head out to see. The hallway was empty, there was no one there. What the hell?

Stepping back inside, Valerie began closing the door behind her. Before she could stop it, the door slammed back and hit her in the face, ricocheting off her cast. The momentum of the door smashed her body into the wall. Raising her arm, Valerie rubbed the back of her head. "What the fuck?"

Opening her eyes, her vision burred as it focused she saw Damon stood in front of her. "Where's Kai?"

"What the actual fuck, Damon?"

Barging past her, Damon strolled into the main room and lounged back in the white leather recliner.  Letting out a sigh, he crossed his legs and met Valerie's gaze expectantly. 

"Excuse me, can I help you?" Valerie demanded, staring daggers at his reclined form.

"You sure look cozy." Damon acknowledged, roaming his eyes over her choice of clothing. "So, who did you murder to acquire this swanky dig?"

"Get out Damon. I have no idea why you're here but you need to leave." Valerie outlined. 

Ignoring her reply, Damon questioned, "Where's the demon?"

Leaning her arms on the back of the sofa, Valerie attempted to make herself more intimidating, but she doubt it worked from the smug, amused smirk he sent her way. "Kai's not here."

Clicking his tongue, Damon shook his head in disappointment, "So that's somebody else I hear moving around in the shower?"

Vampire hearing... shit. Choosing to drop all pretences, Valerie spread her arms out in defeat. Just what the fuck was this idiot doing here? "Damon, seriously, what are you doing here?"

Damon's eyes scoured the entire apartment, "Waiting for your witchy boy-toy to come and join us, Valerie. What are you doing here? I think is the better question."

His eyes continued to search the surroundings. He was probably searching for bourbon, the man would be a borderline alcoholic if he weren't dead. 

"It's none of your business what I'm doing here." 

"Ah, there he is."

Valerie spun around... and swallowed. Kai walked into the room, water droplets clinging to his defined torso as he confidently stalked into the room. Every movement he made was assured and he didn't for a second look thrown off by Damon's presence in the room. 

She was having a seriously hard time keeping her eyes of the water running down his body. Holy fuck, was it weird she wanted to be one of those drops of water. She followed their path from his wet hair down to the white towel wrapped around his waist. 

Briefly meeting her gaze, Kai continued past Valerie and approached Damon. "What the fuck are you doing here?

Aiming his smile between Valerie and Kai, Damon levelled his stare, "I need your help."

Letting out a short burst of laughter, Kai looked to the ceiling. "How did you even find us?"

Leaning his arms on his crossed legs, Damon sat forward. "Bonnie did a neat little locator spell."

Hearing Bonnie's name, Valerie worried over her current state of alliances. She supposed she was with Kai, but that didn't stop her from wanting to be civil with Bonnie and Damon. They'd spent months together and she still wanted to Bonnie to teach her how to use her powers. 

Coming around the sofa, Valerie leaned on her unbroken arm and sat on the sofa. "What makes you think he'd even consider helping you?"

Not meeting Valerie's gaze, Damon stared Kai down. She couldn't see Kai's expression but she was guessing it was near murderous. She was finding it real hard to focus with him in front of her like that. Couldn't he put some clothes on? 

Water was still dripping down his shoulder blades, running down all the muscle indents in his back. She gulped, hard. 

"Shhh now, Valerie. The grown-ups are speaking." Still watching Kai, Damon outlined. "I need you to syphon vampire blood out of a friend of mine. And I know what you're thinking 'why should I help Damon? He'll probably rip my heart out by the end of the week?' Which is mostly true, but there's something in it for you. I know you're little go-go juice pack of magic is probably running low and draining the vamp blood will top you up nicely, I think."

Kai didn't immediately tell him where to shove his offer, which Valerie found especially surprising.  Dragging her eyes away from Kai's naked body, Valerie huffed, "You're not seriously considering this are you?"

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now