29: when you're worried

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Elena was sat, helplessly tied to a upturned table in the dinner hall. Isn't she supposed to be some powerful vampire? She was just sat there looking sorry for herself. Valerie understood her's and Damon's relationship a lot more now. Elena couldn't see them, so when Damon dropped down and removed the rope restricting her, she almost jumped out of her leather boots.

"Hey-hey. Elena, it's me." Damon gripped her jaw.

Meeting her eyes, Valerie concluded Elena could now see her.

"Not to cut this emotional reunion short, but the meters running out on this spell. Can we maybe hurry this up guys? I can feel myself getting weaker." Jo pleaded, slumping against the door frame.

"Let me help you." Slipping her un-injured arm under Jo's, Valerie took some of her weight as they left the room. Damon and Elena followed behind them, reuniting and all that sappy shit.

"Thank you Valerie." Jo muttered out. Bending her knees to take more of Jo's dropping weight, Valerie whispered concerned, "Jo, your nose is bleeding."

"I'm just a little tired. I'm fine." Wiping her nose, she spread the blood along her top lip.

Glancing back over her shoulder, Valerie warned Damon, "I don't think we have long. Jo's gonna be out soon."

Damon and Elena looked as happy as ever. They were the vampires yet she was the one carrying Jo; typical. Bypassing the display case full of trophies and gym photos, Valerie stopped to address the two lazy fucks. "She really doesn't have long you guys."

Seeing Jo's face, Damon demanded. "Why is your nose bleeding?"

"I have a guess. Magic's hard isn't it Jo." Kai's pleased voice rang out from behind them.

Jo spun around, taking Valerie with her, her broken arm aching with every jolt. "Oh God, I'm sorry."

Placing her arm around her shoulder again, Valerie stared daggers at Kai, "Its fine Jo."

"Masking 4 people is a lot of work isn't it Jo." Kai taunted.

"I don't know what you're talking about, this was the plan. I plan to let you see me whilst I kick your ass." Damon cockily spouted, stepping closer to Kai.

Kai was stood directly in the center of the hallway, his arms crossed and a self-assured look on his face. How did he manage to look so good all the damn time? Valerie figured she spent the majority of the last two weeks admiring how hot he was.

Managing to pry her eyes of Kai, Valerie's brow furrowed. Where the hell was Elena?

"What? Where's Elena, Kai?"

Striding forward, Kai swung his knees out unnecessarily high. "Oh I'm sorry. Are we not cloaking people any more?"

Tapping Jo's shoulder, Valerie ordered her, "Jo, get out of here. Alaric will be outside." Ignoring her protests, Valerie directed her towards the exit. "Go."

"I thought that was what we were doing?" Kai finished.

"Stop fucking around, you rat." Damon demanded.

"Kai, stop. Why are you doing this? Just let us leave." Valerie pleaded, meeting his eyes.

Running his arm through his messy hair, Kai quipped, "Oh, so you're no longer ignoring me? That's nice, I guess." Biting his lip, he came closer.

Trying to approach him, Valerie stepped around Damon. "Look, just reveal Elena and we'll be on our way."

Smiling up at the ceiling, Kai leant against a locker. "Sorry, no can do."

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now