25: tricky

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Stretching her tight muscles, Valerie yawned from her sprawled position on the couch.

"You want some Coffee?"

Startled, she turned to see Jo already dressed and in the kitchen.

"You know what? I'm good actually. Is it okay if I get a shower though? I mean, if it's too much trouble, then I can-"

"Of course you can. Here." Coming into the front room, she handed over a plastic bag and directed her, "Wrap this around your cast to keep it dry and the showers that way. Oh, and the towels are in the drawer besides the sink."

Valerie didn't know what she'd done to deserve this treatment. She'd basically helped her homicidal brother escape from his jail cell. Yet Jo seemed to hold no grudges against her.

Nodding, Valerie folded the duvet she'd used and handed it over to Jo. "Thanks."

She could feel Jo's eyes on her as she left.

Now all she had to do was master the task of showering with one hand. The cast was going to be a major inconvenience, especially considering her pursuits. She didn't think she'd have to worry about seeing Ralph again however. Something told her, he was no longer a problem.

Valerie was well into her embarrassing struggle in the shower when she heard a loud bang.


Kai slammed the door open, cracking the locks down the side. Stepping into the apartment, Kai breathed in the smell of fresh coffee. Coming in behind him, Liv demanded, "Was that really necessary?"

Maybe it hadn't been needed but he was still trying to get a hold of the sensitivity of his magic. He saw this as a perfect way to practice. Smirking in reply, Kai explored the cosy furniture, "Of course."

Walking further into the apartment, Liv stalked towards the kitchen.

"Jo." Liv's voice rang Kai out of his internal appreciation of his sisters little home. It was neat and very her.

The moment she came into view, Kai saw the horror spread across her face. "Hello Jo."

The cup of what he was assuming was coffee, slipped from her fingers and shattered at her feet. She looked surprised to see him. Frankly, Kai was expecting a brigade of vampires here trying to stop him. But she was alone.

"Kai." She was older now yet still looked the same as the last day he saw her.

Stepping away from them, Jo questioned, "What do you want?"

Kai couldn't answer, he was still reeling from seeing her again.

"Kai has your magic. You're taking it back and then you're merging." Liv outlined.

Laughing, Jo shook her head. "I am not."

Finding his voice, Kai stepped forward and tilted his head. "We are doing the merge Jo. You can do so cooperatively or you can make this a hundred times harder but it is happening."

Leaning over the counter, Kai waited for her refusal.

"I don't want my magic back. I'm not." Jutting her chin, she added, "I won't."

Idling around into the kitchen, Liv revealed, "You and Kai are doing the merge so Luke and I don't have to. Now put some shoes on we're leaving."

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now