epilogue: the beginning

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Valerie hated this goddamn house. Home? This wasn't her home. Her home was a couple of miles away by the creek, it had her parents in it, probably still mourning her death and worried about where Keller is. There is no way what that nurse said was true. Maybe Keller had killed somebody, but it wasn't her parents.

That thought soured her stomach.

Damon kicked open the front door and sang, "Home, sweet home."

Bonnie stormed off ahead, kicking her shoes off and sliding onto a couch. Elena came out of the kitchen at the noise, Matt following behind her.

Damon threw his jacket onto the sofa and pointed at Matt animatedly, whilst motioning at her.

"Valerie, meet your human blood bag."

Matt didn't seem surprised by this news or disgusted. Valerie sure as hell wasn't happy about it.

"I'm-I'm not drinking his blood."

Damon sat beside Bonnie and motioned for Elena to sit on his lap, she swatted his arm and rested on the sofa's arm beside him.

"You will. I'll force feed you if I have to."

Valerie looked ready to bolt, she could see it in the hesitation and worry on Bonnie's face.

Bonnie was going to try and stop her. Before she got to it, Elena came towards her in a placating manner.

"I know it may sound revolting..." Matt interrupted, "Thanks, I'm right here."

Elena shot him a scathing look. "But you only have to take a little and then the change will happen and you won't want to stop."

Damon added, "Yeah, we'll probably have to pull you off of good ole' Matt here and his delicious blood."

Matt's sour response was the bird. "Fuck    you, Damon."

Valerie still felt flighty. She needed answers. She searched around the room.

"Where's Kai?"

Damon let out an overly-dramatic sigh, "We've been over this. He left."

"What do you mean left?"

"I mean exactly what I said. He left." Damon clapped his hands together and jumped up. "So does anyone have a sharp knife? Let's make this as painless as we can for little Matt here."

Matt dropped his heavy looking jacket and stepped forward as Bonnie took a knife out of a conveniently placed chest. Holding it up, Bonnie placed her palm out towards Matt. He placed his hand, palm facing up, into her awaiting hand. She could see the tension pulling at Matt's features.

Sparing one glance at Matt's expression, Bonnie sliced his palm. He let out a shrill breath and sucked on his teeth.

Matt came towards her hesitantly and kept a firm grip around his wrist as he offered it to her.

Valerie looked around the room. Was she really going to do this? Drink blood?

He placed his bloodied palm in her line of sight and told her to grab his arm. She didn't realise she'd moved until both of her hands wrapped around his muscled forearm.

Bringing his arm closer, she brought her mouth towards his hand and touched her lips to his blood. Licking it off of her lips, the metallic taste surprised her. It was gross, it was intoxicating. Placing her mouth onto his cut, she pulled blood from his cut and licked the remnants of blood from his hand.

The dizzying taste created a roll of euphoria through her body and she heard Matt moan as she pulled more blood from his cut. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she felt an intense pounding sensation throughout her entire body.

She felt alive.


For a continuation of Valerie and Kai's story, read the second book in their series which is called ¬Thrown into the Deep End¬
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Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now