20: like gravity

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Valerie clanked the cuffs around her wrists, looking pointedly at the officer besides her, she accused, "Is this really necessary?"

He'd marched her from the Salvatore house, muttering she was not his problem and that everyone else could deal with her. She had no idea what his problem was. The officer had handcuffed her to the door of his vehicle. He didn't have an actual issued vehicle and she was beginning to think he wasn't actually a man of the law.

He was ignoring her and driving her towards Whitmore college. Valerie couldn't go there, her friends may see her and that would cause a shitstorm. "I'm not sure this is protocol, is it?"

Glaring at the road in front of him, the blonde gave her a scathing look, "I'm not an officer."

Pulling on the cuffs, she motioned to them, "Then why the fuck do you have a shotgun, cuffs and that uniform?"

He ignored her yet again. Huffing she, sat back, "Fine."

Driving past the college, the fake cop turned on to a housing estate. It was just her luck that she'd come back from the dead and then be kidnapped by a fake cop. He finally pulled up outside an apartment complex before pointing his finger in her face. "Stay put."

Rolling her eyes, Valerie quipped, "Sure, okay. Fine! It's not like I can go anywhere anyway."

The fake-cop walked into the building and pulled out his phone. Leaning her head against the window, her head shot up when she heard a certain name. "Did Matt say why he called this little impromptu-meeting, Bonnie?"

She knew that voice, that was Damon's voice. Rolling down the window, she couldn't believe her eyes. Slamming the door open, she fell out of her high seat with the swinging door. Her hands still cuffed to the door. "Oh my fucking god! Damon!"

Halfway out of his door himself, Damon froze and looked in her direction. His face was one of disbelief. "Valerie."

Bonnie climbed out of the car after him and questioned, "Valerie?"

"A little fucking help here." Jingling her cuffs, she tried to pull at the door.

Bonnie's eyes met hers and she rushed forward, tears glazing her vision. Bonnie sprinted in to her and enveloped her in a hug, "Is that Matt's car?"

Following behind her, Damon kicked up his feet and looked on suspiciously, "I guess we know why Matt called this little meeting."

Bonnie stepped back and wiped her eyes, "How are you even here?"

Valerie really wasn't appreciating Damon's hostile attitude. They'd left her in the prison world. Raising her arms, she said, "Can you get these off me?"

Stepping forward, Damon yanked the cuffs through the plastic of the door. Well, he'd de-attached her from the door but she was still cuffed. Pointing that out Damon just shrugged. "Is that all? You guys left me in that hell!"

Bonnie flinched, "I didn't mean to, I didn't even want to."

Propping an elbow on Matt's car, Damon replied, "Yeah we did. And we came home; I saw my girlfriend again and Bonnie is alive."

Accusation laced with his words, Damon questioned, "So where's the insufferable man-child? I'm assuming he got out with you."

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now