05: porkrind torture

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Strolling through the abandoned streets of mystic falls, the sun cast shadows that followed them back to the Salvatore mansion. Valerie and Bonnie were tasked with carrying their groceries, whilst Damon was carrying a much heavier load.

Kai was still unconscious, slumped over Damon's shoulder like a rag doll. She wouldn't have thought he'd be able to hold his weight, but then she remembered he was a vampire, with increased strength and speed she thought with a phantom throb behind her eyes. She swore on her own grave that if he did that with her again she would stake him in his sleep.

Approaching the front door first, Damon held the door open for them to traipse through with their shopping. Nodding towards the kitchen, Damon instructed, "Put them away quickly while I secure our little friend here." Disappearing into the front room, Valerie just managed to hear what was most likely Kai's body dropped like a bag of rocks.

Dragging one of the more damaged and blood stained chairs away from the dining table, Damon placed it in front of the fire and dropped Kai uncomfortably into it. He estimated it would be a while until he recovered from the swift punch to the head he'd delivered earlier.


It had been almost 4 hours since Kai left the land of the living. Damon must've done a real number on him, Valerie reminded herself not to get into a fist fight with a vampire. She was currently leaning back on one of Damon's antique couches, much to her dismay. She had refused to do this on here out of fear of ruining it with her blood, but he'd insisted it had seen much worse. He didn't elaborate and she was glad.

Bonnie was crouched in front of her, wet towels, a wash basin, alcohol rub and tweezers beside her. She was trying her hardest to pull out all of the tiny pieces of glass that were embedded in her knees. "Are you sure you don't want to bite something?" Bonnie quizzed for the fourth time.

Biting her lip, Valerie shook her head in refusal, "No, I'm good."

Damon was lurking a few meters away, keeping a watchful eye over Kai whilst simultaneously eating porkrinds and heating one of his fire pokers over the open flame. He'd told her that all of the glass was out of her legs, he could give her some of his blood which would heal it completely.

She wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that, remembering that if she died with his blood still in her system she would wake again as a vampire. A couple of scarred knees seemed worth not returning from the grave. But then again, they weren't sure of the laws of this world, or plane, whatever it was. They didn't even know if they could die and it's not like any of them were lining up to try it.

Once again, Bonnie began picking pieces of the glass out whilst Valerie took swig after swig from one of Damon's cherished bourbon decanters. She hated the stuff, it tasted like something you'd use to strip the paint of cars. But she'd forgotten to pick up some vodka before they left so she was forced to either grin and bare the pain sober or get wasted on the cat piss.

After taking a rather large drink, Damon stormed over, placing the poker on the side so he could confiscate his alcohol, "Don't you think you've had enough of this."

"Well I can still feel my knees bleeding so no." Valerie outlined like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Reaching out for the bottle, she gestured for him to return it. Ignoring her, he placed the decanter back in its rightful home just as she heard him whisper, "Lightweight."

"Hey, okay..." Throwing her head back, Valerie bit her lip as Bonnie stabbed the tweezers into one the cuts.

Looking extremely guilty, Bonnie whispered, "Sorry."

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now