24: sisters

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Kai had left her, he'd had to get get out of there before he said something stupid that he'd regret. He was driving, one location on his mind. He figured he wasn't the only male in Liv's life who would insist she offer up Jo to save herself. Apparently Tyler Lockwood was loaded.

His mc-mansion was massive and seemingly empty. Swinging the car into park in front of the marble stairs, Kai exited the vehicle. Popping the trunk, he frowned at the blood stains on the custom interior. The dick had bled all over the place. Dragging the giant's legs out first, Kai slumped the lanky fuck onto his shoulder and headed into Tyler's house.

Kicking the door open, Kai used his power to swing a chair from under the table and dropped Ralph into it. It was time we got to know one another on a personal level.

Searching through the giant house, Kai conveniently found bands of silver chains. Perfect. Restraining Ralph to the chair, Kai admired his handiwork. He wasn't going anywhere fast.

Slapping the frail fucker across the face, Kai waited patiently for him to stir. He must admit after the tenth slap, his patience was wearing thin.

His back to the door, Kai spun slowly and admonished, "Took you long enough."

Slapping one of the lights on, Tyler scanned the darkness. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?"

Idling towards him, Kai proposed, "I have an offer for you. You hel-"

"Who the fuck is that?" Tyler motioned at Ralph.

"That's Ralph and he's not important at the moment." Kai explained, an unamused snarl brimming to the surface.

"Fuck not important. Why's he tied up in my front room?"

"Like I said, it's of no importance to you. Ralph and I have some unfinished business, but it appears he's not waking any time soon. So first we can hash this out." Kai revealed, motioning for Tyler to come further into his front room.

"Look, you should go." Tyler held open his door, "And take that with you."

Cocking his head, Kai observed Tyler's behavior. It was strange, he seemed nervous but not fearful. How valiant of him, "I don't think you understand. I wasn't asking. Sit down." Slamming the door shut, Kai flung Tyler into his front room. Which didn't go so well; he hit the wall instead. Vases and picture frames slamming to the floor. Kai's powers were a little rusty.

He hadn't used magic in over 18 years and now he was definitely glad he hadn't tried to fix Valerie's arm, he would have made it worse. Dismissing thoughts of her, he shook his head.

"I need you to convince Liv that it's a better option for everyone if Jo and I merge instead of her and Luke. You don't want to risk her dying, she wants to live and keep her brother alive. It's the only logical option. I'm sure she's already considered this, but I need you to really drive it home."

Sticking to the floor, Tyler leant back on his forearms. "If you think Liv will listen to me, you don't know your sister very well."

Striding forward, Kai reminded him, "Well you better hope she listens otherwise she'll die. You really want to risk something as illogical as a 50/50 chance of survival?"

Tyler looked defeated and Kai walked forward and offered his hand. Pulling him up, Tyler admitted, "Of course I don't want to see Liv hurt, but she won't do what I tell her. She's her own women and will do whatever she wants. I will try, I'll talk to her."

Smacking the dude on the back, Kai prompted, "That's more like it."

Jerking away, Tyler revealed, "I'm not doing this for you, this is for Liv."

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now