06: goodbye shit-realm

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Stumbling into the open planned room, Valerie cursed as the natural light hit her eyes. It felt like the sun was burning her corneas. She'd drank way too much last night and her head felt it had been struck with a steel rod. Jolting herself into one of the gigantic leather chairs, Valerie claimed the attention of the trio as their conversation died down.

"You don't have any answers, you're just a man-child with jam on his fingers." Damon blurted, leaning closer to Kai's smug form. His eyes screamed retribution. He must've been pissing them about all morning for Damon to be that riled up.

Valerie had definitely caught the wrong end of that conversation. "What's going on? And what time is it?" It couldn't be that late, the sun was still rising.

Lurching to his full height, Damon spun from a smirking Kai. Pure unadulterated anger seeping from his very pores."Morning." Kai smiled, surprisingly chipper for his current situation. Nodding her head in acknowledgement, Valerie smiled at Bonnie.

"It's quarter to two in the afternoon and this man-child has no clue what he's doing."

Bonnie was leant back against the open window, the breeze blowing her hair out like a halo. Bonnie had most likely had enough antic for a lifetime being stuck with those two. Nodding in understanding, she saw the random assortment of items on the desk in front of Kai. "What's all that-"

"To get home, we'll harvest the power of the eclipse using a mystical relic. It's called an ascendant," Picking up one of the weird objects, it strangely resembled the inside of a watch but looked like it was made from tins of food. "It looks like this. And the last time we had it, it was on the pacific north west." Opening a book, he pointed to Oregon on the map inside. "In Oregon."

Crossing her legs beneath her, Valerie acknowledged a confused Bonnie as she pondered, "We?"

Giving Valerie his attention, Kai spared a quick nod. Picking up the knife, he slit the tip of his finger open. "Yup. And here's a little blood for you to get a locator spell started." Dropping his blood onto the open page of the book, he stood and left the room. Just like that. And he was gone.

Not two minutes later, Valerie entered the kitchen to see Kai browsing through their fridge. "See anything appetizing?" Placing her arse down on one of the high chairs at the kitchen island, she tossed some bread into the toaster.

"Absolutely nothing."

"Not fancy some toast? I mean, you should probably eat after that hit to the head." Valerie suggested.

"Hit to the head, hah. Yeah if that's what you'd call it." Leaning across the counter, Kai had a quizzical look on his face.

Feeling extremely insecure in her pajamas with her hair strewn about like a birds nest, Valerie accused, "What?"

Valerie thought he was looking at her lips for a second but then he was talking, and it was forgotten, "So you knew nothing about Witches or Vampires before coming here?"

Shaking her head, she almost jumped out of her skin as her toast popped up, "Jesus." She was at a period of her life where the slightest noise would make her shit bricks.

"Um, no. I didn't know about any of it. Not until they explained it all to me." Valerie outlined, feeling inadequately up-to par on otherworldly beings. Smiling suddenly, Valerie looked up and caught him staring at her. Getting extremely nervous with his undivided attention on her, she concentrated on buttering her toast. "Right. Well let's go see how our little witch is doing."

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now