33: sad smiles

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Storming into the hospital, Valerie pushed past Kai and Damon. She was seriously pissed. She didn't even know where to begin when trying to piece together what happened between her and Kai.

They'd fucked and it was amazing. Scratch that, best sex she'd ever had. Plus, she can now firmly say she's slept with Kai more than any one else.

Which isn't that bold of a claim seeing as the only other time she'd had sex was with an inexperienced twink who lasted no longer than 20 seconds and didn't even bring her to orgasm.

Let's just say, Valerie was extremely pissed that her morning of post-orgasm bliss was being ruined by Damon Salvatore.

Damon directed her into a patient's room and Valerie nearly stalled seeing Elena hovered over a bed with a blonde girl beside her. Looking to be on her deathbed, the woman on the stretcher was sat up and looking worse for wear.

"What is this?" Valerie demanded, not bothered who answered her at this point.

Startled, the blonde spun around. "Who is she?"

Walking up to the bottom of the bed and unfazed by Elena's glare, Valerie stuck her hand up in greeting. "I'm Valerie." She felt Kai come up behind her and look at the trio over her shoulder.

Valerie murmured, "It seems like all I do with these people is introduce myself repeatedly."

Hiding a chuckle, Kai placed his hand over his mouth. "What exactly is it you need my powers for Damon?"

She had a feeling if Kai was full to the brim with the power right now this conversation wouldn't be so friendly, hell, it wouldn't even be taking place to begin with. But Kai was still stubbornly refusing to take any of her powers.

If she knew how to use her powers, Damon would be headless right about now. Didn't anyone ever tell him it's rude to interrupt what was surely going to be insanely hot morning sex.

Damon idled between Elena and the concerned blonde, slapping the blonde on the shoulder. "Caroline here, gave her mother vampire blood to cure her cancer. Which, if she had come to me, I would have told her that that doesn't work and if it did, do you think cancer would still be such an issue? But now, her mother has vamp blood in her system and if she dies, we all knows what happens then." Damon finished, looking pointedly at his girlfriend.

Valerie felt left out. "What happens then?"

Elena huffed, clearly put out by Valerie's innocent and curious question. "She'd wake up as a vampire."

Nodding, Valerie allowed. "Ah, that makes sense."

The blonde was becoming more and more agitated. Looking to Kai, she prompted, "Do it then!"

Walking around to the other side of the bed, Kai placed his hands on the unconscious women's arms. He closed his eyes and Valerie could see the tightness to his lip as he concentrated.

"Is it working?" Elena whispered.

Valerie shot her an irritated look. Damon replied with a shake of his head.

After what seemed like an eternity, Kai opened his eyes and gazed around the room, his eyes locking with hers. "It's done."

The woman on the bed began to stir and Elena hugged the blonde. "We'll be outside Caroline. Ring Bonnie if you need us."

Damon and Elena motioned for Valerie and Kai to follow them out. Not wishing to obstruct on what was going to be an emotional moment, Valerie was quick to tug Kai behind them.

Stepping out into the white corridor, the bright LED lights shone down on the ceramic floor, bouncing in all directions.

Hospitals had always freaked her out. Swinging her cast with her step as she walked, Valerie froze when she felt Kai stop walking.

Damon did too.

"You'll leave us alone now Damon. Yeah?" Kai's words came out as hesitant with a cocky undertone. Valerie wasn't even sure how he managed that, but he did.

Spinning on his heel, Damon ignored Elena's persistent tugging on his arm. His eyes met Valerie's and she saw disappointment there. It didn't faze her in the slightest. "Sure."

"Good. Then I'm sure I don't need to threaten you."

Damon let out a startled laugh and shook his head in amusement. "Bye." He retreated down the hallway.

Valerie met Kai's gaze. "Come on."

Peering over his shoulder, Kai promised. "Give me five minutes."

He then turned his back on her and dipped into a different room. What the hell?

Gliding to the window, Valerie saw Kai and Jo through the door. That was so a conversation she did not want to be a part of. Taking a seat below the window in one of the waiting chairs, Valerie began scuffing her feet.

A couple of minutes later, Kai came zooming out of the room, a smile lighting up his beautiful face. Stopping in front of her, he motioned for her to follow him.

Trying to keep up with his fast pace, Valerie quizzed, "Why are you so happy?"

Kai had a literal skip to his step. "Jo agreed to do the merge."

Valerie nodded slowly. "I know."

"It's happening tonight. There's a perfect celestial event and she thinks she's ready. Well, it's not like I gave her much choice on the matter."

Valerie paused. Her feet came to a standstill.

After walking ahead, Kai noticed she hadn't followed.

"But you could die."

Nodding his head animatedly, Kai agreed. "But that won't happen."

"You don't know that."

Speeding past him, Valerie punctuated, "You can't know that you won't die. Kai, it's dangerous. You don't have to do it."

Sighing in disappointment, Kai ordered, "Let's not talk about it."

Gazing up at him, Valerie frowned. "Kai-"

"Valerie, I don't want to talk about it. Let's do something. What do you want to do? We have all day."

Valerie's frown remained. Why did it feel like he was trying to do something, something that will be memorable. Something to remember him by. He wasn't scared was he? He didn't look it.

Playing along, Valerie wondered, "You like swimming?"

A calculated look fled onto his face. "Sure..."

"There's a creek, near my house. I used to go there with friends after school in the summer."

"It secluded?"

Seeing Kai's smirk, Valerie slugged his shoulder. "Kai Parker, are you insinuating we go..." Valerie whispered, "skinny dipping."

Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, Kai placed his fist on her head and messed her hair up. "Shut up you little prude." Directing them towards the exit, Kai had a stupid grin on his face.

"I am not a prude."

Valerie felt herself smiling.

Kai gazed down at her and lowered his head to kiss her, his lips met hers and her mouth opened to kiss him deeper. When he pulled away, he looked happy. She was smiling still, except it was a sad smile.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now