26: kill him now

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Rolling her eyes for the hundredth time, Valerie reluctantly followed behind Damon and Alaric who were currently still arguing.

Skipping to keep up, Valerie quizzed, "Why do you think he'd bring her here?"

Shooting her an impatient glare, Damon replied, "Just a hunch."

Swinging her cast beside her, she drowned out their incessant arguing. Apparently Alaric was pissed Damon would put Jo's life at risk. Didn't Alaric know that Damon cares about nobody but himself and Elena.

Appearing from behind a row of trees, they walked into an ancient looking graveyard.

Kai, just over thirsty feet away came strolling out of a giant mausoleum. He didn't look like he had a care in the world, there was a kick to his step and a small smile at play on his lips. He hadn't noticed them yet.

Damon was the first to react, he used his vamp-speed and ran straight at him, knocking him onto his ass before saying, "A cemetery? Really?"

Quickening her pace, Valerie ran closer to them. Kai was groaning in pain and holding his back. Had Damon seriously hurt him? She knew it was fucked up that she cared too much.

Not sparing her a glance, Kai raised his arm and chanted, "Motus."

Damon went flying backwards, his feet scratching over a line dug into the mud. The instant he crossed the line, his flesh began burning and smoke lifted from his skin. What in the world?

Slowing to a crawl, Valerie reached a pissed looking Damon. He was now back on the other side of the line and his flesh was repairing before her eyes.

Kai was casually strolling back and forth on the other side.

Meeting his stare, Valerie glared. Looking around her, she frowned when Alaric wasn't in sight. Where has he snook off to?

"That looks like a nasty injury you have there Valerie." Kai observed, an evil glint to his eye.

Taken aback, Valerie accused, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Smiling ruefully, Kai kicked dirt up, "Do you want a list or..."

At a lost for words, Valerie simply stood. She didn't know what to think? This didn't seem like Kai. She hadn't seen him like this since they first met. His sarcastic demeanor was clearly being used as a weapon.

Picking up a stick, Kai prodded Damon in the arm with it. Growling in return, Damon tried to snatch it back. Too quick for him, Kai drew the stick down the line in the mud. "Looks like you found the anti-magic border."

Offering condescending looks to them, Kai outlined, "I drew a line in the dirt for everyone's convenience, see? Yeah you're welcome."

Even know Valerie couldn't deny that she was drawn to him, felt a pull. Everything he did was magnetic. Leveling him with a adamant stare, Valerie spotted Alaric sneaking up behind Kai. Kai didn't see him, Damon must've known what Alaric was doing too as he was trying to keep Kai busy.

Alaric wrapped his arm around Kai's throat and leveled the nozzle of his gun at his forehead. Kai's cocky demeanor changed completely and he had the gall to look at her accusingly. Sighing and holding his arm, Damon said, "Finally. Thank you! Now kill him."

Spinning to Damon, Valerie objected, "What? No-"

Just as Jo's voice shouted from behind them. "Alaric! Don't!"

Glaring at Damon, Valerie flicked his shoulder, "Yes. Don't."

Running beside Valerie and Damon, Jo explained, "Don't. He can't die."

Rolling his eyes, Damon knocked Valerie aside slightly to look at Jo. "Ignore her Ric. She's lightheaded and doesn't know what she's saying. I'll give her some of my blood and she'll be back to normal."

Valerie was really starting to get pissed off with Damon. He had no consideration for anybody but himself. Leaning her injured arm on Valerie, Jo said again, "If Kai dies, that means Liv and Luke will have to do the merge and one of them will die."

Kai was smiling. He already he knew he'd gotten out of this situation. Meeting his eyes, she tried her hardest not to snarl in return. She wanted to kick him in the balls. He knew exactly what he was doing. When was he never not in control of a situation?

Like an obedient lap dog, Alaric listened to Damon. "Kill him."

Cocking the gun, Valerie tried to step forward when Damon whipped his arm out to block her. Pushing him, Valerie budged, "Move."

Jo tried to reason, "Its not fair on them Damon."

Looking to the heavens for answers, Damon sighed, "Who cares?"

Kai had kept quiet through out all of this. Sparing him a glance, she saw his eyes pinning Damon to the spot. He did not look happy.

Bypassing Damon, Jo spoke to Alaric. "I can do it. I can beat him."

Jabbing Damon in his side, Valerie promised, "Move your fucking arm before I rip it off your body."

Looking up at him, she saw nothing but amusement. She was deadly serious however. Peering down at her, Damon smirked knowingly. Shoving his shoulder, she managed to nudge him away. "Get off." She wasn't fooling herself though, she knew he only moved because he was good and ready to.

Kai's face was livid. A smirk was leveling his face but Valerie could tell there was a frenzied anger simmering under the surface.  "Alaric, I just need a little time to get stronger."

Laughing, Damon poked, "We're moved, really." Nodding at Alaric, he ordered, "Kill him now."

"Please Alaric."

Damon, growing impatient, stepped closer to the barrier. "Now."

Valerie wanted to object but she didn't know what to say. Alaric wouldn't kill him, Kai would stop it. He was always in control.

"I promise I can beat him. Trust me."

Torn, Alaric spared glances between the back of Kai's head and Jo before finally deciding. Whipping Kai over the back of the head, Alaric stepped away from his unconscious body.

Valerie wanted, no-felt the need to see if he was okay. Kai was laid on the ground, his shirt and jacket raised to reveal his tanned and toned stomach. Okay, Valerie... He's unconscious and riding the whole dick bandwagon at the moment, this was so not the time to appreciate his abs.

Not That Kind Of Witch • Kai Parker #1Where stories live. Discover now