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Present Day:

Callie's POV:

I thought back to that day as I sat in my bunk.It was late in the night, and in juvy, you don't necessarily get a comfy bed.Then my thoughts traveled back to why I got here in the first place. I had punched a cop for trying to take Jude and Sarah away from me, again.I wouldn't let them, I had just rescued them from our old foster home. This was now my 2 time in juvie.I went the first,and this is how we got split up, because I started to break the things my foster father cared about the most.He was beating my sister and brother and I tried to fight him,but he just pushed me away. He called the cops,said I went crazy, and they didn't really seem to really care about my side of the story.I got caught trying to take them at our old school and they called the cops.They were afraid I get into another fist fight and so they made the call.I got a few extra months and got back with my old cell mate. Daphne.She and a few others beat me again,and I knew, that if I wanted to get out soon, that I would let them. My 'cage' opened and a guard took me outside.I didn't say anything,I was baffled to be getting out so early.I walked outside and saw the beautiful night sky.The dark blue had a swirl of sunset in the middle.I noticed my social worker,Bill, talking to a woman.I didn't get talked to even tho I repeated,"Can I talk to Sarah&Jude?" or "Where's Jude&Sare?" Bill caringly shoved me in the front seat, and waved goodbye. The car ride was silent and awkward until the woman introduced herself.I wasn't really paying attention,I kept thinking about Jude&Sarah.I think she said her name was Lena.She got my attention when she asked,"Who's Jude&Sarah?" "Um...They're,"I was distracted by the sign.They were taking me to my old street.I felt like I was going to vomit.She walked to at one of the most familiar houses I've ever known-my old house."Callie,you coming?"she was in such a motherly tone. As soon as I walked in there were 5 people. I saw a brunette boy sucking face with a red head. I gave a questioning look until another boy answered the question I was dying to know,"Don't worry.He's not her foster brother." I nodded as they broke apart quickly. "H-hi."the female stuttered,"I-I'm T-talya." "I didn't mean to interrupt."I apologized.She gave some lame excuse and scurried away.Lena walked in and announced who everyone was,"Brandon.Mariana.Jesus.They're you foster siblings. Then there's Stef,my partner.""What happened to your face?"the girl,Mariana,asked.It didn't sound like she meant to be bitch about it,but sweetly.I bit my lip before blurting,"Can I talk to Jude&Sarah?"They all gave puzzled looks.I looked around the room and saw the secret door me and Sare used to use, to beat Jude at hide-and-go-seek. I ran out the door and held my hand to my stomach.It all came out,the little food I had from dinner, and the tiny bit of gum that I swallowed after Bill shoved me away."You alright?"Stef came towards me.I nodded. Oh my god.Will Jude&Sare remember this place? "Okay let's get you to sit down."she helped me walk to the couch-at least that was different- and accidentally touched a bad bruise.I flinched. She looked suspicious and lifted my sleeve.I couldn't look at it,I just couldn't.I sat down and slowly jerked my arm away.I knew where the bathroom was and got up with out word.I didn't even bother closing the door,I looked at myself in the mirror. Damn!A busted lip,both cheeks, a black eye,a cut up chin....Should I even dare look at the rest of me? I walked out noticing the door. Our old door had a huge hole in it from when I punched it."Cheap wood,and a pissed off 10-year-old, great combo."I thought bitterly.I took a deep breath as I walked through a spare room.I made my way down the tree,after sneaking our the widow.

Sarah's POV:

Jude&I was cleaning the dishes when I heard light tapping from the door behind me.I made sure my foster father was still drunk upstairs and I latched the door. "Callie!"Jude quietly squealed.She shoved us out the door and ran upstairs. She came down with a new cut on her forehead,and our bags. She carried Jude on her back, and me bridal style.She stopped at our old house. I gave Callie a questioning look but she didn't seem to notice.She slowly opened the door and walked in with us.She carefully laid us down on the couch. She saw a figure and mumbled,"Brandon?" "No,Stef."she crossed her arms over her chest.She went upstairs and another boy came down. Someone about Callie's age."Hi,I'm Brandon."he was trying to be friendly. Callie trotted down, nearly tripping on our bags,she jumped near my spot and real excitedly shouted,"You guys get to stay!" I mumbled," at our old house? What fun?"Brandon gazed at Callie. Did he, did he like her?

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