PLL Version part 2

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12 hours later: Callie's POV:

I hummed a song I loved since forever- Sons and Daughters as I got my clothes out of a duffel bag."What's that song called?"a voice surprised me from behind. The voice sounded... cracked, like they were on the verge of tears.I turned around completely shocked,I was not to expect Mariana here without the family-I think I'd see Jesus here before Mariana.Her eyes were all red,you could tell she'd be crying.I dropped my clothes on top the bag and walked over to her. She then did something I didn't normally do- she hugged me! "Hey,what's-"she cut me off.Her sobs and gasps for air interrupting her words,"I just thought you were going to die.I picked a fight with Sare and came over here.I was scared Callie!"I hugged her and cooed her,"Sssshhh.It's okay,your okay." After she was finished it was almost 2:45.She walked home before I decided that I wanted to take a nap. I did the 'routine' and drifted off to sleep.It came back as a memory really.


I was living with Shane's family while Jude and Sare were stuck at my godmother's.They were catholic and apparently, so was most of my school. I sat in a random pew with a bunch of people in my class.Him and his parents sat with his CCD class.A girl named Julie tapped my arm,"Your catholic?" "Today I am."I muttered as I crossed my arms over my chest and sat back.I watched a familiar figure come into the church. I froze,knowing that my eyes showed my fear.He walked over and whispered,"Hey,Cals." "Sorry Sir,no room on this pew."I icily lied. I turned my head and saw half the row empty. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the pew,in the space near the quiet room and a couple of rows from Shane's family."Get off."I clearly stated, showing no fear as I jerked my arm from his tight grasp. He kissed me but I pushed him off."Stop."I pleaded. He licked his lips and smiled. I felt a deepening pain in my stomach- his hand was groping on it.I punched him in the stomach and gave him a swift one to the face.He was taken back a step and gave me an evil look. "Hey!"Liam shouted,holding on my wrist,all heads flew to him,"Do you all really know Callie Jacobs and her fabulous family?" I started to push him from his stomach."Woah,woah,Cals.Don't you want them to know?"he started to look at the heads. "I said...Ow!Liam stop it!Stop!"I shouted. I looked over at the heads and realized,I didn't care.

(It was a 3 hour nap-it just replayed)


I pulled the plugs off and changed. The night air filled my lungs as I stepped out of the hospital in my clothes.The bandages were still wrapped around my head,about six stitches on my stomach, and a cast on my wrist. I saw guys from my school,pointing and laughing at me.I just rolled my eyes and started walking.A cop started to put cuffs on my wrists-well my left wrist,holding tightly to my cast.I sat in the back seat,staring at the black cage. I heard people staring at me, talking, pointing, whispering,yelling-I just turned my ears off.I saw other cops pulling up,I saw the red&blue lights.It was all a flash- I was now in Stef's arms,she was jabbering a mile a minuet.I saw kids' piling up in the parking lot. People started facing me and talking,whispering.I just kept looking around,loving how quiet this is.I just started walking into the street,noticing that the handcuff was still linked to my wrist.I flung it off and sat on the curb. I decided that I should turn my ears back on. I heard the sirens and Stef's boots clicking against the cement pavement. "Sorry,what?"I blurted. "Callie,I know you didn't do anything but..."Stef started,her gaze from my eyes went straight down to the ground. I nodded as I got up from curb.I left the handcuffs there as I followed Stef to a squad car.She started the ignition, so I decided now would be the time to ask. "So what am I ring charged for?"I was blunt and strained my ears for her answer. "Uh,honey.There was a text sent out and it says that you disobeyed your probation and left the state."she sounded so sad,like she was about to burst into tears. I nodded and looked at my stomach. We arrived and I walked in with her,she acted so...motherly.She carefully helped to the room before leaving,I made the stupid move of looking into her eyes, tears were threatening to spill out of her eyes. I saw another cop come in and started to record our session.

Brandon's POV:

Mariana came down with Sarah,those two were inseparable after she came back."Where's moms-and Callie?"Sare looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and continued watching NASCAR. Jude came running down,"Your watching NASCAR?" His eyes widened as he sat on the ground. "Jude,don't you sit on the couch?"I raised an eyebrow. Sare mouthed something to him that I didn't quite catch.Jude sat on the couch and gave a faint smile. "Aaawwweee!"Mariana squealed as she snapped a picture. Sarah murmured,"He hasn't been able to watch sports since Callie's been gone." Moms and Callie bursted in. Callie took one look at Jude and ran over to him.She hugged him so tight and whispered something. He had tears strumming down his face.Sare noticed but didn't move a muscle. Calle walked upstairs and I got up the couch. As I stood, Mom(Lena) put her hand up from Stef's shoulder, in my direction,"I think she needs to be alone.She's had a long day." Puzzled,I sat back down.I fumbled with my phone as a new message appeared. I smirked when I saw....

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