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All through first period he stared at me.Near the end Gerald,the teacher, called out,"Ah,Vico,what's your theory of the evolution?" Vico retorted,"Mr.Gerald,I'm a jock,not a brain." Snickers came from the back. I saw Josh,he smirked and handed me a note. His class scedule with,"Dear Dumb Cals,I would put some curse words, but you know me-one more fight and I'm screwed for the year."I did my best not to smile and looked over his scedule. We had fourth,lunch,seventh,and eighth together.The bell rang and I gave back his scedule.At least something comes good about this place.I found Josh,"Um,where's Kat?" I remembered my other bestie Kat,the most tomboy I've ever known.I wonder what kind of 'gangster' clothing she's wearing today."Cals,she's different now."Josh pulled me away from my thoughts,"How different?" He looked nervous to tell me,"She's the girliest queen bee." I couldn't believe until she walked down the halls-with Talya. "Who's the newb,Josh?"Kat was nasty. "I'm a bitch,I'm guessing you are too?"I spit. I looked down at her feet,she was wearing something she'd say she'd never wear-heels."Excuse me?!"she chomped on her gum."Careful princess,you might choke on your gum."I caught Sare talking to a group of girls.Josh put his hand on my arm.I wasn't thinking clearly,I was thinking he was Liam."Get off me."I thought aloud. "Cals?"he rubbed my arm.I looked at him,"Yeah?" "Wow.Look who the new freak is?"the third girl got Kat and Talya to laugh."Sorry,Crayola,didnt quite catch that.I guess I'm to much of a freak to do that."I walked away,grabbing Josh's hand so he walk with me. I let go of his hand as soon as we ducked into the hallway,"Are you okay Callie?" I nodded and ducked to my next class.I was like,a second, before the teacher was about to slam the door in my face.Nice try!I sat in the corner,next to a random guy with shades on."Mr.Dillions,I would much appreciate if you take the sunglasses off."the math teacher-Who has a ridiculous name,that is way to hard to pronounce-called from his roll sheet. Dillions? As in Justin? The heads went straight to us as he groaned.He took off the shades and the heads whipped back to the front.There was nothing wrong with his eyes. I scribbled on the first page of my notebook,"Whats with the shades?" and passed it. A minuet later it was passed back,"I'm sorry about Sarah.I didn't know it was her,she kissed me before I got a chance to look at her face." "I'm not mad.She drank alot,thats what I was pissed about.I was supporting you two.I mean if your still a 'thing.'"I slid it on his desk.He nodded and I faked a smile."Callie,I know you probably didn't do this at your old schools,or maybe you did.Can you pay attention anyway?"the bitch teacher turned away from the projector just to say it. Justin tapped me,"Schools?"he mouthed. "He meant school."I whispered.He nodded and his attention went back to the board.I looked across the room,Vico&Brandon were directly next to eachother. The bell rang,I practically ran out. Vico came up to me and pulled me to another hallway....

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