The Nightmare before Halloween

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Narrator's POV:

After that mess, people went to bed. Stef&Lena went directly to it,Mariana &Jesus fell asleep watching a movie,Jude wasn't feeling so good so he went to sleep in Sarah's bed,and Brandon went to bed around the same time as Callie.

Callie's POV: .•DREAM•.

I watched Sarah&Jude walk around the town.They were having a good time, laughing,eating candy,getting some scares,having a good time.While I was at some party,probably Justin's.Liam came out of nowhere, and pulled me infront of my brother and sister. He had a gun,slowly coming from his jacket."Did you really think that I wouldn't get revenge?You told your boyfriend.I guess dating your foster brother gets repeated.I told you not to tell,but Cals couldn't help herself.You've taken my girl away. I'll do you one better- I'll take your girl,Sarah,and your boy,Jude." "Don't you dare!Brandon's not my boyfriend and we never dated!Your a sick,sick creep!You even so much as touch them,you'll be dead!"I shouted at him. He ignored my threat and aimed the gun.My feet were glued to the ground, I literally couldn't move. "Stop!"I repeated.It was too late.He shot the gun twice,hitting both Sarah and Jude.He turned and gave me a devilish smile.I was still repeating the words as people surrounded us.I ran over to them,now being able to move.Their lifeless bodies spilling blood onto my hands,clothes,and the rocky pavement. When I looked up,to tell Liam off, he was gone.


Brandon was in front of me.I didn't think,I just hugged him.He rubbed my back."You kept mumbling 'stop' in your sleep.I thought you were having a nightmare." I was blunt. We walked downstairs, to the glove seat-the twins were on the couch-and we sat close together. He rubbed my arm and I whispered,"Thanks Brandon." before falling into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

Brandon's POV:

After Callie fell asleep,and that I was 100% sure, I kissed Callie on the forehead. I whispered,"Goodnight Beautiful." I went into a sweet sleep,still stroking Callie's arm.

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