Questions but no answers

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Callie's POV: "Callie.Right?" "Yeah."I

was uneasy. "Will you go on a date with me?"Vico blurted. "Your pretty straight forward,aren't you?"I joked. "If you go on a date with me,you'll find out,right?" "You make a lot of sense.When and where?" Vico snickered,"If you want action movie.Tonight.Meet you there?" I rolled my eyes,"pick the movie.I don't care what it is." We went in separate directions a few seconds after the bell rang. I started walking down the hall when I was pushed."What the hell?"I snapped.I looked up and saw the face I hated most-Liam. I started to my class when he grabbed my arm,"I'm talking to you Cals." "Dont touch me!"I got through my clenched teeth. "Dont tell anybody!"he spit in my face.He grabbed my stomach and squeezed it hard. I was beyond angry so I stepped on his foot.He let go and walked away. I grabbed my stomach,walking to the girls bathroom.Kat and her crew were in there,but I didn't care.I got a handful of water and lifted my shirt.I placed the water on the redness then started to walk out. My hand was on the handle when Kat came up and whispered,"Callie." I turned around,"Yes?" "Did you get another 'boo-boo' from your dad beating you cause he doesn't love you, or did you get it in juvie?"she was nasty. "Well my parents are dead and I've been out of juvie for a few days.I guess I think my amazing basketball 'skills' with working with others got the best of me.But thanks for checking in."I was sarcastic and snarky but I didn't care.I walked out without even thinking about where I was going.

The pain was getting worse but,I went to my lunch. Josh came around and joked,"Whats up my nigga from another frigga?"I laughed my head off as he put his arm around my shoulder."Ow!"I yelped. "Oh crap!I'm so sorry.Did I hit a bruise?"he retracted his arm. I chuckled,"Gotcha!"He shoved me to the ground,"Bitch." We sat at the tree."I've been gone for a while, so catch me up on some of the newbs."I leaned against the tree. "Alright.There's this girl,she's having a busted up face and went to juvie twice.She won't tell me where she's been or why she went."he teased. "Oh shut the hell up!"I playfully punched his arm. I saw Brandon walk by with Talya. Did I really save her ass? "No there's this guy,"he starts,bringing my attention back to him,"Vico.He seems chill.I think he likes you."I think your right."I bring out a dorky smile,"he asked me out." Josh gets his mouth wide open and his eyes pop out. "Go fuck yourself."I joked,pushing him into the ground.He dies of laughter, bringing me to chuckle."Congrats Cals.When's your next game?"he stands back up. "Oh basketball.Tonight.But I'll have to miss it."I was completely caught off guard. The bell rang,"It feels like we just got here!"I whined. He put his arm around my neck and walked me to sixth period.We just cracked jokes on the way.I felt pain in my stomach still,but ignored it.

I sat down next to Vico and we started passing notes through out class.

Brandon's POV:

I saw Callie at lunch with Josh. How is she making friends so fast? During eighth period I saw her saying something about her godmother's house to him.Is she staying somewhere else? I'll just have to find out later...

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