Noticably Jealous part1

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Jesus's POV:

The first thing I saw was Brandon and Callie, sleeping peacefully on the couch.Mariana was drooling next to me. I'm guessing moms are upstairs, and Sare&Jude are probably in my room.I shook Mariana,"Dude,Lexi's coming over today.She might be staying with us for a while.She's left Honduras, she should be here within an hour." Mariana's eyes popped open,"Really?!"she squealed.She ran upstairs,and so did I.

Jude's POV:

"I'm so excited for Halloween, today!' I whispered to Sarah.She hugged me tight,"Now,Callie won't even baby us!This is great!"Jesus came in.He carelessly flung his shirt off,like me&Sare weren't even in there, and put on a newer,fancier on. Sare looked like she was deep in thought after she looked away from him. "Oh,sorry."he didn't sound it. The doorbell rang. "I'll get it!"Sarah volunteered. He ran down the steps,Jesus followed.

Sarah's POV:

A pretty girl,who looked about my age, gave me a weird look."Lexi!"Mari screamed from the stairs. Lexi ran in an hugged her.She looked at Jesus, then planted a very passionate kiss on him.Callie looked at me,I guess Mariana's squealing woke her up,and joked,"Ugh.I don't want to throw up my breakfast!" She walked me over to the kitchen,"Thank you."I blurted. She nodded and poured some orange juice for the both of us. She got a new glass,I'm guessing for Brandon,and put her used one in the sink.She walked in the livingroom. I quickly gulped mine down and decided I would go for a walk.I went into a costume shop. I decided that I would buy a cheap,slutty,Halloween costume. Hopefully that will get his attention. I took money out of my bra and walked in.A cute guy about my age told me he was having a costume party and invited me. He gave me the address and left.I couldn't help but smile. I walked over to the slutty part and looked for the best one.

Callie's POV:

I got my Halloween costume planned out, a simple large t-shirt with a chainsaw on it,some smaller shorts and a tiny bit of make-up, courtesy of Mariana.

It was 2:00 and Sarah just got home."Callie",she grabbed my arm,taking me to her room,"I got the perfect costume.Can you take Jude?" "First try on the costume.Than if it looks better on you than mine does we have to trade."I joked. She got into her costume,a ref. "You look amazing."I gushed. She blushed,"Let me see yours." I rolled my eyes and went into my-Brandon's-room.I quickly changed then walked back to Mariana's room."Wow!"she gushed."Your wow yourself.".

Wait 'til I put on some make-up.My cuts,bruises,scars,burns-all gone!

"I'm going to tell Jude the changes, all right?"I walked half way out the door. "Cals?" I spun around,"Yeah,Sare?""Do people still hate you?"she looked really sad. "I don't know,kid.But,it has nothing to do with you guys.To be on the safe side,don't tell anyone I'm your sister.You two,the team,and Shane,are the only ones that know.Have fun at your party tonight."I winked at her. "Wait.How'd you know it was a party?"she looked at me like I had five heads. "Because,Sare,you don't like Halloween.You like to walk around,but you hate wearing costumes,"I got closer and whispered,"You wouldn't do this for Jesus,not with me around." With that, I walked out, into Jesus's room. I sat next to Jude on his bed,"Hey bud.Do you want to go trick-or-treating by yourself, or with me?""I wanted to go by myself.I just didn't want to hurt Sare's feelings."I hugged him."Show me your costume before you leave?"I squeezed him a wince bit harder."Of course!"he boasted.I laughed as I let go.


Mariana's POV:

"Callie,you look hot!"I blurted. "Thanks,your hot yourself."she had a weird way of thanking people. Sare came in to say goodbye. I gasped at her costume.

Jesus's POV:

I walked by, to see why Mariana gasped. Sarah had on the same costume as Lex. Lexi walked out the bathroom in her referee costume,"Mar Mar,what's wro-" Sare complimented,"You look way better in it than I do."before going to say goodbye to Jude. Callie walked out, going to check out Jude's costume before he left.Lexi pulled me downstairs, right infront of the door. Right before Sarah got completely down the steps, Lexi kissed me. Sarah walked around us, and started a block away. I opened the door wider, to see why she stopped.She was kissing a guy! Anger boiled inside of me as I went out back...

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