Life is just screwed up

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Callie's POV:

I told Jude to tell Sare what happened after I explained.I walked up to Brandon's room and flatly laid on my bed.This... this was an... exhausting day. I threw a pillow on my head and screamed into it. Moments later Brandon came up. He peeked his head in,"Everything OK?" I tossed the pillow of my face and nodded. "What's with the big ass smile?"I blurted. He chuckled,"Funny text,that's all." I gave a fake smile and threw my head back on the bed. He sat next to me. My eyes widened of...I don't even know. I was shocked that he sat with me,hoping he wouldn't talk to me,wanting to sleep,wanting to punch a wall from having to talk to the cop about my probation when I never even violated it. My statement! Oh my god, I still have to find out about it! Stef broke me out of my thoughts,"Callie!"she yelled from downstairs. I walked halfway down the stairs. Lena squealed,"They figured it out!Your off the hook!" Stef stopped and butted,"but not probation." I gave a cheesy smile before going back to my bed. I fell asleep within seconds, relief that I wasn't as screwed as I thought I was. •FRIDAY MORNING•

[School was cancelled for in session]

Sarah's POV:

"Stef?"My voice quivered. "Yes,Love?" she sounded so motherly,it makes me so jealous of the Fosters. "Can I have a friend over today?"I wiped my sweaty palms on my jacket. "Sure,go call her now."she gestured to the phone on the livingroom wall. "Thanks!"I chimed before running over to it. I took out the number that was given to me during my homeroom. I easily punched in the numbers and got a quick response from the other end. "Hey Sarah."I started. "What'd they say?"she sounded so bored. "You can come over.I got to go,see you when you get here?" "Yeah." I hung up the phone on the nice red wallpaper. I spun on my heel,seeing a sleepy Jude. "Who was that?"He folded his arms over his chest."Jordan, she's staying with the Olmsteads.I doubt it's the ones we know,before you say a word."I saw him smile,"Wanna go wake up Callie like we do on her birthday?" I smiled in agreement and hurried up the stairs. We opened the door and bursted over to Callie. We jumped on top of her on each side and chanted,"Wake up,wake up,wake up!" She popped her eyes open and lifted her head. Before I could tell her, Jude blurted,"Sare has a friend coming over,she's wayyy more social than you!"Callie laughed then pushed me and Jude off of her. We went into our seperate rooms to get dressed.

The bell rang and Jordan came in. "I can only stay for a while."she said immediately. I closed the door and opened it again. Two boys appeared. Jude came running in,"Hi Conner!" The other guy, probably a year older-"Holy shit, your Jimmy."I thought aloud, walked in. "Nice to see you Sare."he gave an evil grin. Callie came down and saw both Jimmy&Jordan. "Hey,Callie."Jordan broke the awkward silence. "Hey, Jordan."he replied unsteadily. "How do you know my sister?"I asked. "Oh, we have required group together."She answered before turning to Callie,"I hate Janice don't you?" "Uh-huh."she looked lost for words. She ran back up the stairs to check on Conner and Jude, who were now in Jesus's room. 20 minuets later,after Brandon took Jimmy to the backyard,Callie came back down, and of me and Jordan playing Jesus's Xbox, the door bell rang. Callie and Jordan raced to the door, Jordan looked scared at the face. Liam came in and whispered something to Callie. "No!Stay away!Jordan you can stay here if you want!"Callie shouted. Jordan looked confused,"I just don't want to be late for dinner." Everybody came downstairs(all kids-the moms were out) Callie looked at Jordan,"If you want, you can stay." Jordan looked even more confused.She walked out with Liam. "Did you know,Sare?"She sounded like she was about to puke. I nodded my head no. "What's wrong Callie, something got your tongue?"Jimmy sounded sincere. Callie pushed passed him and everyone on the staircase and walked over to the bathroom after going into her bag...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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