Chapter 3 - Torment

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Genesis walked through the dark ShinRa hallways with his book in hand making his way to the room he had to share with Angeal. He walked into the room closing the door behind him, the bedroom was relatively small, it had two single beds either side of each other with a small bedside table between them, Genesis had the bed closest to the window that was on the right, the window was fairly large and he could sit on the windowsill and glance outside. Genesis sat down on his bed and looked at Angeal who was reading about Soldier honour, Angeal had a bigger body frame compared to Genesis, he was more bulky where as Genesis was rather slender, Angeal was also fairly tanned, he had short black hair with loose strands either side of his face with dark blue eyes. Angeal turned to Genesis "so what happened with Sephiroth?" he asked curiously, "nothing important" Genesis replied moving over and sitting down on the windowsill crossing his left leg over his right opening Loveless, "so nothing interesting occurred?" Angeal asked wanting a better reply. Genesis scanned his book with the reply of "no" Angeal was in the mood for pushing his best friends buttons, "humph, I thought you would have had something to say, as you couldn't take your eyes off Sephiroth earlier, we all saw the way you looked at him" he said waiting for a reaction, Genesis turned and frowned at his friend, "Angeal, just let me read" he said, he really didn't want to talk about it. Genesis then went back to reading Loveless and quoted "when the war of the beasts brings about the world's end, the godess descends from the sky, wings of light and dark spread a far she guides us to bliss her gift, everlasting". Genesis always read Loveless with such beauty, his voice was soothing and calm.

Genesis and Angeal were awakened early in the morning to get there Mako injections, they both took the cold elevator down to the Shinra labs. They were greeted by professor Hollender, who was fairly overweight and had a lot of dark facial hair, "Rhapsodos your first" he said jestering him to sit on the operating bed, Genesis frowned as the bed let alone the room was making him feel uneasy, he took a seat and removed the top half of his third class uniform reveling his cut pale body, "don't tence, it will only make it more painful" Hollender said

filling the sirringe with a dark blue liquid, Genesis sighed as the professor grabbed his left arm, he strapped a tight leather belt around the top of his arm to make his vain stick out, then he forced in the needle realising the Mako liquid into the Soldier, Genesis gritted his teeth at the pain, he could feel the liquid corse though his body, Hollender took out the needle and disposed of it, Genesis looked at his arm seeing a drop of blood leak from it, Hollender got a small bandage and wrapped it around the brused vain, Genesis got up putting his armour back on and looked at Angeal, Angeal could see Genesis' eyes glow from the side effect. Angeal somehow did not look forward to getting his injection, how Sephiroth could do this every month was a mystery to him as Sephiroth had to have higher doses than the third class soldier's.

"I see you have had your injections" Sephiroth said glancing at the Mako infused Soldier's, they all now had a glow in there eyes, some might say it is a signature of Soldier. The cadets stood in there line in the cold training room standing straight waiting for further instructions, this time Genesis wanted to be taken seriously by Sephiroth he wanted to show him that he too was capable of the same power. Sephiroth was in the mood to torment a certain Soldier, he couldn't understand why he liked tormenting him but it was a new hobby for the General, today he thought about testing there reflexes since Genesis was obviously a daydreamer he could easily single him out. He glanced at the Soldiers, he picked out a random cadet "attack me" he said in an intimidating voice, the soldier looked up at the General nervously and took out a blue enchanted sword, he lunged toward Sephiroth, Sephiroth grinned at the attempt, he dashed out the way and held his long katana to the cadets neck from behind, Sephiroth chuckled and pushed the cadet away. "Cadet Rhapsodos" Sephiroth looking at his Mako light blue eyes, Genesis sighed and took out his blood red blade, Genesis knew better than to run at Sephiroth, as his reflexes were too fast, insted Genesis conjured fire in his left hand as he was holding his blade in his right, he began throwing flames at the General but missed every time, Sephiroth slowly walked up to the cadet and tried striking at him with his katana, Genesis blocked the attack and tried to counter it, which failed, Sephiroth pinned Genesis to the wall, "good attempt, but your still failing" Sephiroth said in a harsh yet playful tone, Genesis narrowed his eyebrows at the remark, and clenched his left hand to a fist, as he raised his arm to punch Sephiroth, Sephiroth grabbed it and forcefully put pressure on the bruse from where the needle one was, Genesis yelped at the pain, Sephiroth smiled and pressed harder, Genesis raised his leg and kicked the General off him, his arm was now throbbing from the pain. Sephiroth was well balanced so the kick didn't get Genesis far, Sephiroth smirked, before he could do anything else his phone rang, he sighed and reached into his black leather trouser pocket and flipped open his phone, "Sephiroth I need you in my office" the voice on the other side spoke out, "on my way" Sephiroth said before hanging up, "dismissed" he said to the Cadets as he left the training room.

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