Chapter 13 - Hero

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When the two Soldier's returned to Midgar they had a meeting with the president, "Soldier first class Sephiroth.. you are promoted to Hero of Gaia, I was notified by the Turks on your bravery and stealth" The president said then looked at Genesis, "as for you Genesis, you need more training" he then said, Genesis looked over at Sephiroth with jealousy and hatred, "allow me to excuse myself sir" Genesis said getting up and leaving.

Genesis went back to his room rather than Sephiroth's apartment, he was angry, it was him that did everything but Sephiroth just had to step in, he thought. Genesis sighed and got up after an hour of manifesting and headded to Sephiroth's apartment. Sephiroth was asleep on the sofa his long silver hair was hanging down on the floor, he opened his eyes to see Genesis. "what's wrong?" Sephiroth asked sitting up. Genesis sat by the side of him, "oh it's nothing Soldier First Class Hero" Genesis said bitterly, "Genesis.. I" Sephiroth started, "no need to explain yourself, besides your cut above me if I am not wrong" Genesis cut his sentence. Sephiroth frowned, "how petty" Genesis stood up and equipped his sword and pointed it to Sephiroth, Sephiroth stood up and done the same. The two began clashing swords Genesis was very strong now but Sephiroth pinned him to the floor, "I'm sorry ok.." Sephiroth said out of breath, Genesis rolled his Mako blue eyes and smirked, "fine" he said then teasingly kissed Sephiroth.

Genesis woke up drowsy and walked to get his injections, he sighed as he walked into the labs, "Genesis please take a seat on the table" Hollender said greeting the Soldier, Genesis sat on the table and braced himself for the injection. "since you are now First Class you will be injected with Jenova cells" Hollender explained with the needle the liquid was now lighter than Genesis' eyes, "Jenova.." he whispered under his breath... "Sephiroth?.. isn't that his mothers name?" he thought to himself. The injection made Genesis very light headed as he walked back to Sephiroth's apartment. On the way there Genesis was stumbling leaning against the cold wall as his vision became black he then fainted and collapsed to the ground.

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