Chapter 36 - Chaos

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Sephiroth was placed in a warm bed still unconscious, Genesis was sat next to his lover, he bandaged Sephiroth's stab wound, but when he did he saw claw marks on his cream hips, Genesis frowned, had he been with another man? he questioned. Genesis stood up sighing and commanded copy's of him to watch over Sephiroth, he had to take care of some personal matters.


Genesis walked outside seeing that the town had returned to normal he thought it as strange, Sephiroth had burnt it down. Shaking off the thoughts he headed inside the ShinRa manor, he paced down to the basement and walked through the room that was kicked down. As he thought he found someone in the coffin asleep "now I see why Sephiroth chose you" Genesis spoke out with jealousy, he saw how handsome Vincent was. The ex Turk opened his crimson eyes and looked at Genesis, Genesis smirked when he saw Vincent's gauntlet, it was too obvious. Genesis pointed his sword at the man, Vincent looked at the sword then pointed his gun at Genesis. "Thease will be fine test subjects indeed!" They both heard a voice in the background, they both nodded at each other and went to investigate. They found a room with two large test tubes, along with Hojo and some scientists. Unconscious on the bed were Zack and Cloud, Hojo turned around to see Genesis and Vincent with there weapons drawn, "humph, it's been a while Hojo.." Vincent said pointing his gun. Hojo smirked, "well if it isn't my old test subject! haha! how is the Chaos inside you doing? I know your demons talk to you" Hojo tormented, "enough!" Vincent growled, all had left was nightmares and voices talking to him, he began shaking, then a bright light filled the room blinding everyone until the colour returned to normal. Vincent had two large red wings, his teeth were sharper and his eyes were now a bright yellow, the room cleared just leaving Vincent, Genesis, Zack, Cloud and Hojo. Genesis looked in shock, then Hojo began laughing, "I see the Chaos finally took over, your will isn't strong Vincent" Hojo said still smirking, Vincent had enough, he clawed at Hojo cutting the man, but Hojo persisted to laugh, until Vincent shot at him, Hojo staggered back and collapsed to the floor, his lab coat was covered in blood, "tell my priority experiment I was his father, haha" Hojo said as he was bleeding from his mouth and fell unconscious. Vincent smiled and returned to normal collapsing to the floor, Genesis frowned and picked Vincent up, "what is he talking about?" he asked "Sephiroth... that is his father" Vincent answered, "I'm going back to sleep, I am finally free of my sin, but this body is my punishment" Vincent said walking back to the room, Genesis just stood there for a moment, he looked over at Hojo then to Zack and Cloud who were still unconscious. The ex Soldier left the manor and headed back to Sephiroth.

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