Chapter 15 - Awakening

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Genesis woke up tied to the bed within the cold labs shirtless, his vision was blury going in and out of focus, "finally you're awake" the raspy voice of Hollender spoke out. "you must not speak a word of this incident" he then said injecting Genesis with a red needle, "this should make you feel better, .. for now, your coat and armour has been patched up, if you still have any trouble with .. you're wing, come back here immediately" he continued. Genesis could feel that the wing was gone, but he was confused and couldn't find his voice to ask anything.

Meanwhile Sephiroth was in his apartment trying to phone Genesis, but there was no answer, Sephiroth was anxious and felt ill, he couldn't sleep, he bit down on his bottom lip causing it to bleed, when he cleaned up in the bathroom he took a look at his reflection, he had dark circles under and around his beautiful green cat like eyes, his skin was pure white, and blood ran down his chin, he needed sleep but, that night it never came.

After being under various injections Genesis was released from the lab, he made his way back to Sephiroth's apartment, still feeling dizzy. Sephiroth heard the door open and ran to see who it was, when he saw his lover he ran to him and held him in his arms, "where have you been?? I've been worried sick about you" Genesis sighed, "I had to see Hollender, I just had a minor injury in the training room" Genesis lied, but Sephiroth didn't care, he had his lover back, that was all that mattered.

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