Chapter 14 - Monster

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Sephiroth found Genesis unconscious in the hallway, "Genesis" he said worried as he picked up the auburn haired man. Sephiroth took him to his bed and got a soaked cloth then dabbed it on Genesis' head, The handsome Soldier woke up and fixed his eyes on Sephiroth. "Genesis! what happened to you?" Sephiroth asked with concern, "I'm fine, I'm just tired that's all" Genesis responded in a drowsy voice. Sephiroth sighed then kissed Genesis on the forehead, "alright let's get some rest" Sephiroth said worried and relived.

Genesis went straight to the training room when he woke up, dressed in First Class black armour, with the red leather coat reaching the floor, his hips swayed as he made his way to the training room. Only Nero was in there, shirtless his blue hair draped down his back he turned around and smirked at Genesis. Genesis had a weird feeling when the other man did so, "I heard about Sephiroth" he spoke out as Genesis closed the door, "what of him?" Genesis said rolling his eyes, "you tell me.." Nero said walking up to Genesis "is he really worth it? After all he is taking your credit" he continued. Genesis narrowed his eyebrows, "and why would you take interest in my relations?" Genesis said tilting his head, "curiosity.. desire... lust" Nero answered Genesis widened his blue eyes as Nero crashed there lips together, Genesis didn't know how to react, so he kissed back.

Now feeling guilty Genesis left the room, his emotions were everywhere though he didn't show it, that's when he collapsed to the floor with horrendous pain in his left shoulder blade, he yelped as a black wing burst out where the pain was, blood and feathers coated the white floor tiles, Genesis curled up and covered his face with red leather gloves "such is the fate... of a monster.." he said as tears rolled down his face his wing covered his body, the feelings of guilt and exhaustion were too much as well as blood loss, Genesis soon passed out.

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