Chapter 26 - Zack meets Genesis

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Second class soldier Zack was called to the briefing room with Lazard. "tell me Zack what is your dream?" Lazard asked with a smirk, "to become a hero!" Zack said enthusiastically, "hmm, unattainable dreams are the best kind." he said still smirking, Zack's expression changed sad, "gee thanks." Zack said looking at the projector in front of him. "This is Soldier first class Genesis, he has been reported missing in action in Wuti, although he has been spotted around the world, we have come to the conclusion that there are 'copys' of him scattered around. I need you to investigate his home town Banora, his parents can't be trusted so be smart and gather as much information as possible." Lazard instructing Zack, "I will go with you" said a voice from behind the Soldier, Zack turned around and saw a man with black hair tied back, he had oily skin and slanted eyes, he was wearing a black suit. "Tsung of the Turks." he introduced himself, "this is looking pretty gloomy." Zack said walking past the Turk, "You do know this mission was originally for Sephiroth.." Tsung said folding his arms, "Zack turned around, "then why isn't he going?" he asked curiously, "refusing to go apparently" Tsung said back. "they spoil him too much" Zack complained, "why don't you say that to his face" Tsung smirked, "I'd.. rather not" Zack said putting his hands together looking at Tsung with cute puppy blue eyes.


After a trip off the ShinRa chopper, Zack was hit with the radiant warmth of the sun, surrounded by curved apple trees, the apple's were a ripe purple colour, he then saw the largest tree, "but I never stole from that tree, the wealthy man's son was my friend." Angeal's voice rang through Zacks head, "dumbapples!" Zack spoke out loud as he walked up the dirt track to Genesis's house, he and Tsung found a fresh patch of soil decorated with stones, "you go look for Angeal's house, I'll have a look around here." Tsung ordered Zack, Zack did as he was told and headed into the village. Tsung took a look around Genesis's house, it was empty, he walked back outside and noticed a shovel next to a nearby tree, he picked it up and began digging the patch of fresh soil. It didn't take long until he found what was buried, it was the corpses of Genesis's parents. Tsung almost vomited but stopped himself and reburied the corpses, Tsung left and headed to the apple juice factory with Zack, walking up old wooden stairs they walked into a dim room. "infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess, we seek it thus and take to the sky, ripples form on the waters surface, the wandering soul knows no rest." Genesis quoted sitting on the windowsill looking at the Soldier and Turk. "you killed your parents." Tsung spoke out irritated. Genesis smirked and stood up, "my 'parents' had always betrayed me from the very beginning, but, what would you know - ShinRa lapdog!!" Genesis angrily said shooting fire at the Turk, Tsung yelped and fell to the floor. Zack pulled out his soldier sword but was stopped by Angeal. "Greetings partner" Genesis said to his old friend, Angeal looked at him frowning with his sword pointed at his friend "I see you're made your choice, but I respect your wishes old friend, but can you really live on that side." Genesis asked walking past, Angeal looked at him and followed. "hey! get back here!" Zack shouted and chased after Angeal, as he ran outside he was tripped over by Genesis. "my friend do you fly away now, in a world that abhores you and I all that awaits you is a somber morrow no matter where the winds my blow." Genesis quoted walking in front of Zack with a shining red orb in his hand. "I don't see Sephiroth today but are you game?" he asked smirking turning around. A wing black wing burst from the left side of his back, "we a monsters we have neither dreams or honour." he said flying up to the sky leaving black feathers behind, Zack caught one in his hand, "your a soldier, not a monster." he held the feather tightly "what happened to dreams and honour?!" he shouted. Before anything could happen a black dragon with large wings flew down from the bright blue sky. "summons aren't supposed to be used like this!!" Zack said angrily pulling out his sword.

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