Chapter 18 - Black Out

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Genesis walked alone to the apartment, his vision was blury but he tried to fight it off, when he got in he collapsed on Sephiroth's bed his blood was dripping onto the carpet, he tried to stay awake but fell into heavy slumber.

Sephiroth soon came back to his apartment and found a horrifying sight, the love of his life was unconscious covered in crimson blood, it was everywhere, Sephiroth grabbed Genesis and held him in his arms. Sephiroth picked Genesis up and carried him out of his apartment, he needed medical attention fast.


After Sephiroth went to the medical unit he wasn't allowed to be in the same room as Genesis, Then professor Hollender came with Angeal. Sephiroth stood in the cold hallway waiting for him to come out. The door opened and they both walked up to Sephiroth, "he needs a blood transfusion" Hollender spoke out cold, Sephiroth stepped forward with every intent on giving his blood but Angeal stopped him and stepped forward instead. "you are not compatible" Hollender said bitterly and left with Angeal, "why couldn't I be the donor?" Sephiroth questioned himself as he walked back alone.

Sephiroth came back to find his bedroom a mess covered in blood, Sephiroth shock his head and sighed, he went to the kitchen and got some bleach. That night Sephiroth didn't sleep, he stayed awake scrubbing the carpet even though it was now clean, his eyes were bloodshot and dark, he was drained, but didn't rest, he kept blaming himself and he could only hope that Genesis was alright.


Genesis awoke dizzy and tired, to the sight of Hollender and next to him on another bed Angeal. "there are some things you need to know..." Hollender said with a sigh, Genesis frowned, "you are part of project G, project Genesis. You and Angeal both are experiments, you're wings are a side effect, but we need to continue our research, we didn't expect it to go this far.. you Genesis are a failure and soon you will begin to degrade, you were both raised in Banora and,.. Genesis you were given to the welthy landowners." Hollender explained, Angeal didn't say anything and Genesis didn't know what to believe. "This information is disclosed and it must stay that way" Hollender said as he left the room. Genesis looked at Angeal's pale face, "Angeal, surely-" Genesis tried to start a sentence but stopped, "we are monster's.. we have neither dreams or honour" Angeal said looking right into Genesis's crystal blue eye's.

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