Chapter 5 - Complicated

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The warm sunlight hit the beautiful green eyes of Sephiroth, the sun glinted from them as it had awakened him, he then glanced at the auburn haired man who was still in his arms asleep, Sephiroth quietly whispered his name trying to wake him, Genesis was awake but did not want to get up, he was cozy lying with Sephiroth, something he had longed for. "don't you have to be somewhere?" Sephiroth then said talking in his normal deep rough voice, realisation hit Genesis, his bright blue eyes darted open, he needed to go for his injection, he then sat up and looked at Sephiroth, "what time is it?" he asked his voice slightly panicked, Sephiroth smiled and rolled his eyes, "it's 6:55, you better hurry before your late" Genesis narrowed his eyebrows, was this some sort of test? he asked himself, but he did not have time to manifest things he had to get dressed and get to the lab as soon as possible he had five minutes to get there to be on time. Getting up, he realised he did not have his Soldier armour in the room he only had his suit from last night, that ment he would have to go to his room change and then head to the lab, he knew he was already late. Sephiroth watched the Soldier get dressed in front of him with a smirk across his face, once Genesis was fully clothed he went over to Sephiroth and pressed his gorgeous lips against his, Sephiroth kissed back "your going to be late, you better go" he said breaking the kiss.

it was 7:30 am when Genesis walked into the labs dressed in blue second class armour, which he despised as blue wasn't his color he adored the color red, he would whare a red leather long coat when he gets to first class he thought as the silence was being disturbed by the sounds of his footsteps. he stopped and knocked the white lab door waiting for Hollender to answer, after another five minutes of waiting the door opened and Hollender did not look happy, "your late" he spoke in a irritated tone, Genesis sighed and walked though to that horrible bed where he would have his injection that he had began to hate. As he did before he took off the top halving of his clothes, Hollender grabbed Genesis' arm and tightened the belt much more tighter than before, this was going to leave a mark Genesis thought as Hollender grabbed the needle filled with with a lighter shade of blue, "since you're now second class, you have to have a higher dose" Hollender said forcefully injecting Genesis, Genesis winced and shut his eyes from the pain but the needle was pulled out faster than usual, he opened his eyes and looked at Hollender, "I missed the vain, I will have to start over" Genesis frowned, was this some sort of punishment for being late? his mood was draining, the professor ruthlessly injected Genesis again with no sign he was going to do so, Genesis bit his bottom lip from the pain and began to bleed, the taste of iron filled his mouth, Hollender slid the needle out and placed a bandage on his arm. Genesis was relived that he could go and walked out of the room feeling very dizzy as he was adjusting to the side effects of the injection.

Angeal was busy writing when Genesis walked into there room, "where were you last night?" Angeal asked not even looking at his friend,

Genesis sighed and sat on the windowsill opening his book, "what's it to you?" "I had to cover for you when I saw Hollender" Angeal said turning to face Genesis. he raised an eyebrow as he saw a purple mark on his friends pale skin on his neck, "and what is that?" he asked being to frown, Genesis looked at Angeal to see his face expression that was starring at hus neck, "wh-" he went to answer but walked to the bathroom to look at his reflection, he looked much paler than usual due to the injection but the thing that caught his eye the most was the purple bruising on his neck, he frowned "Sephiroth" he whispered to himself walking out closing the small room behind him. He needed to come up with some sort of explanation, "I .. fell last night, I had to much to drink is all" he said returning to the windowsill flipping his book open. Angeal sighed, he knew all too well Genesis was lying, but something came to mind to get his friend to tell him what had really happened, "you know that Hollender will report it in some way as he is the one in charge of our health" again Genesis realised his words were true, "keep quiet about this then" Genesis said sighing, "last night I slept with Sephiroth" he said in a moody tone, today was not going well for him, but Angeal's face was enough to keep him amused, he was in shock, Genesis softly chuckled under his breath and went back to his book "the wind sails over the waters surface, quietly, but surely" he quoted out loud his thoughts only focused on Sephiroth.

Sephiroth was busy in his apartment filling in forms when his phone rang, he picked it up from the black coffee table and flipped it open, "my office now" Lazard spoke displeased and hung up, Sephiroth got up sighing and walked to Lazard's office.

As he was first class soldier and hero he did not need to knock any doors but the president's. He opened the office door with caution and walked through, Lazard was sat on his chair his white gloved hands folded over each other and he rested his chin on them, but moved at the sight of Sephiroth. "I have a few questions I need to ask" he then said making eye contact with the cat like green eyes. "ask away" Sephiroth said folding his arm's, "have you been intimate with Genesis Rhapsodos?" Sephiroth had to hide a shocked reaction by slowly blinking, "no" he answered straight and bitter. "I see.. then, how is it you were the last person seen with him and also, could you explain the bruising on his neck?" Lazard said in a much more angry tone, a tone Sephiroth was not used to, many people did not have the courage to speak that way to him but, Lazard was in charge of Soldier. "it has nothing to do with me, I am very busy at the moment, I have to leave" Sephiroth said turning to the door and walking out, Lazard only watched, and looked at the General up and down, in a way he envied Genesis, as Sephiroth had much more of an interest for him.

Sephiroth walked quietly towards the room Genesis shared with Angeal, he silently opened the door, he saw Angeal doing press ups and Genesis reading on the windowsill. Genesis caught a glimpse of Sephiroth standing at the door, pretending to read he quoted "infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess, we seek it thus and take to the sky, ripples form on the waters surface, the wondering soul knows no rest" that part of the poem always reminded him of Sephiroth and thought it would be romantic if he heard it. Sephiroth thought the way that was quoted was beautiful, he loved the sound of Genesis' voice, it was mesmerising and calming, it always captivated him. Genesis then turned to Sephiroth with a faint smile, "I need to speak with you" Sephiroth spoke out, Angeal turned to Sephiroth shocked, Sephiroth looked at Angeal and rolled his eyes "alone" he said mocking his encounter with how Genesis spoke with Lazard. Angeal walked out smirking to himself then Genesis and Sephiroth were alone. Genesis took to his feet and placed his book on the bed, "what is it you need?" Genesis asked walking over to Sephiroth his curved lips smirking, Sephiroth was now face to face with the Cadet, he lifted a black leather gloved hand trailing it across Genesis' jaw line, he then moved his head to the side looking at the bruse he had placed on his neck. "you need to cover that up.. Lazard is getting suspicious, he was asking questions... which of course I denied" Sephiroth said returning his hand to his side, "that was all you came here for?" Genesis asked displeased. Sephiroth frowned "I am a busy man, I can't waste my time like this" he said, Genesis did not like the way he was taking to him and was beginning to get angry, "your saying I'm wasting your time?!" Genesis said raising his voice, his fiery temper getting the better of him, "I am only protecting you, for now" Sephiroth could see Genesis was getting angry, "protecting me?.. more like testing me, you have always tested me, as well as singling me out from day one" Genesis said clenching his fist. Sephiroth narrowed his eyebrows, as he knew he had singled out Genesis but the reason for doing so was the feelings he had for him, Genesis shock his head and sighed walking back to the windowsill, Sephiroth just watched the man he desired walk away from him, he turned and walked out of the room sighing, part of him wanted to go back but he walked down the quiet ShinRa hallways back to his apartment alone.

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