Chapter 12 - Mission

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Sephiroth lay in bed with Genesis in his loving arms with the sun rise in his face, he signed as he had to go on the mission that was for Genesis. That's when he decided to wake him up, "Genesis" he spoke out, Genesis opened his bright blue eyes and looked at Sephiroth, "I have to go on a mission to Modieoheim, it's a last minute thing" he said infusiasticly "I better get dressed" he then said getting up, Genesis just looked and sighed as he sat up, "how long?" he asked folding his arms, "two weeks" Sephiroth answered doing his one belt on his black leather coat. "you should find Angeal and head to Lazards office for further instructions" Sephiroth added as he turned to leave, "you forgot something" Genesis said pouting, Sephiroth smirked as he turned around and walked back to Genesis, they kissed for a short moment before Sephiroth left the room and Genesis was left alone. Rolling his Mako infused eyes, he got up when something got his attention, it was a black leather book, he flipped it open seeing the description "Sephiroth's notes - Soldier Director Lazard suggested I use this for my background since I was brought up in the ShinRa wall forced to fight from a young age, all I know is that my mother's name is Jenova, she died shortly after I was born. There are no whereabouts on my father.." Genesis was infatuated with reading this when he saw a mission folder at the side, before he could examen it the door knocked. Genesis carefully placed the book in Sephiroth's bedside draw and answered the door. The person was gone but a black box lay on the ground, Genesis took the box in and curiously opened it, he took out a crimson red long coat made from the finest leather, he tried it on as it perfectly fit his slender frame. Genesis walked into the bathroom looking at his reflection, black shoulder pads either side of the arms stood out before him. Sephiroth has great taste he thought to himself as he walked out of the apartment completely forgetting about Sephiroth's book.

"your late" a man with a blue suit and red hair called out to Genesis, the man rolled his green eyes "let's go we haven't got all day" the man said grabbing Genesis by the wrist. "and who are you?" Genesis said frowning as his steps paced down the hallway, "Reno of the Turks, now I have been asked to fly your lazy ass to Modeioheim" The man said, "modeioheim?" he thought as they reached the end of the hallway.

After another endless flight Sephiroth arrived at the cold, snowy Modeioheim. He sighed as he began pitching up a tent, the mission was to nutrualise the area for the Turks to create another Mako reactor. Just as the tent was up another chopper came from the gray sky, the Soldier jumped out and landed on the snow. "Genesis?!" Sephiroth asked frowning, Genesis brushed off the snow on his shoulder and walked closer to Sephiroth. "I was sent here" he spoke raising an eyebrow, Sephiroth didn't know what to say, "then you are under my supervision until further notice" Sephiroth said still frowning.

Nightfall quickly approached, and Genesis had to clear the area, Sephiroth followed behind nearby watching his lover kill various monster's untill there was a mutilated black wolf much bigger than the Soldier's, Genesis charged at it with his crimson blade in hand, the wolf jumped and pinned Genesis ready to kill him, Sephiroth quickly ran as fast as possible and cut into the wolf deeply, with a yelp the wolf fell, the snow was full of crimson blood and Sephiroth helped Genesis up. "I can handle myself" Genesis said coldly as he walked away, Sephiroth just stood there with nothing to say...

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