Chapter 28 - Found You

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Sephiroth walked over to Mako reactor 5, his silver locks swaying in the breeze though, he wasn't alone, Zack was with him. With a sigh he walked through the reactor and soon enough he came across an Angeal copy. The General breathed out deeply, "I remember when the seconds were out and we decided to sneek in the training room." he said sighing, "you three were pretty tight huh?" Zack asked, "I wonder..."

Sephiroth recalled the day that Genesis got injured, sighing he walked on further to find more reports on Genesis and how he was degrading. "Sephiroth?" a raspy voice called out, he turned around "Hollender I thought I might find you here." Sephiroth said when he saw the man. "you will not take Hollender!" that familiar voice came back and Genesis gracefully flew down and pointed his sword at his lover while his wing spread across Hollender. The scientist ran, "Zack go!" Sephiroth commanded, Zack run, leaving Sephiroth and Genesis alone. Genesis put his blade away and walked behind Sephiroth "there is no hate, only joy for you are beloved by the goddess, hero of the dawn, healer of worlds, three friends go into battle, one is captured one flies away, and the one that's left becomes a hero..." he quoted to his lover, "Loveless again? you never change." Sephiroth said irritated, "if we were to enact it, would I be the one to play hero or would you?" Genesis asked standing faced backwards towards each other, "it's all yours." Sephiroth said narrowing his silver eyebrows, "indeed, after all your glory should have been mine." Genesis said walking in front of Sephiroth. "how petty." Sephiroth said looking to the floor, Genesis walked closer to Sephiroth cupping his hand on his lovers cheek, "do not touch me." Sephiroth growled as he pushed Genesis's hand away, Genesis smirked, "I know, you know what happened with me and Nero.."

Sephiroth narrowed his eyebrows even more. "I used him, he now stands as a copy, but you are different." Genesis continued, "no Genesis, I was the one that was used." Sephiroth said as he grabbed Genesis and pinned him to the wall, "doesn't this feel familiar?" Genesis said still smirking. "Sephiroth, I know you still love me.." he said teasingly, Sephiroth loosened his grip, "don't flatter yourself." Sephiroth said smirking back, "very well" Genesis said as he pulled his arms around silver hair, he moved closer and pressed his lips on Sephiroth's, Sephiroth hesitantly kissed back, then Genesis let go, "just as I thought" Genesis said now smiling. "I do hope your satisfied" Sephiroth said rolling his eyes, Genesis walked away from Sephiroth "until we next meet." Genesis whispered, Sephiroth turned around to see that Genesis was gone.

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