Chapter 33 - ShinRa Manor

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Sephiroth walked through the dark basement to the secret labs, he found old books on the Jenova project and began reading. Genesis walked into the manor and found an old piano, it had been a while since he had last played, he sat down and began playing it, it was the most beautiful song anyone could play. While Sephiroth was reading he heard it faintly, he stoped reading for a moment and admired the music, his began to fill with tears of confusion as he picked the book back up to read more, everything Genesis told him was true, he was just used as an experiment. In anger he kicked down an old door that wouldn't open, dust and cobwebs were everywhere in the room there were were scattered parts of skeletons. In the centre of the room was a polished coffin. Curiously Sephiroth opened it, in the coffin laid a man sleeping, his arms were crossed holding a gun in one hand but the other arm had a golden gauntlet around it, he was sickly pale with long black hair, across the his forehead he wore a red bandanna, he was wearing a crimson cape with black pants and golden knight shoes. Sephiroth went to close it back up but a pair of crimson eyes opened and looked up at Sephiroth, the man sat up "who are you?" he asked, his voice was deep and sounded dark. "Soldier first class Sephiroth, and yourself?" Sephiroth asked confused. "your Sephiroth? ... interesting, I am Vincent Valentine, I .. I used to be a Turk, tell me do you know of Hojo?" Vincent asked, Sephiroth frowned and questioned if the man was delusional to himself, he said he used to be a Turk but, he only looked in his twenties. "Hojo?.. yes, he is in charge of my medical records" Sephiroth answered back, although he was confused Vincent was feeding his curiosity. "humph.. yet another sin to add to my nightmares" Vincent said frowning, "I've never heard of you before.. how would I know if you are who you say you are?" Sephiroth questioned. "It's your choice whether you believe me or not, but you say Hojo is still around, take me with you" Vincent then said, "I've chosen to abandon ShinRa" Sephiroth said with anger.  "That makes no difference, I want, to come with you" Vincent seductively said to Sephiroth, at first Sephiroth frowned but, he'd take his chances on this guy, he thought it would be a way to get back at Genesis, he then smirked, "very well then, but I will be reading" and with that Sephiroth walked out of the room and went back to researching.

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