Chapter 29 - Shin-Ra

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Sephiroth returned to the ShinRa building alone, he didn't have the energy to be dealing with Zack. He headed to Lazard's office to notify that he was back. "Director, I have information on Genesis" he said taking a seat in front of the man. "he's... abandoned ShinRa along with Hollender. " Sephiroth said sighing, Lazard almost smirked but stopped himself, but before anything could happen the alarms went off "Sephiroth the President!" Lazard commanded and with that Sephiroth rushed off. He paced through the hallway but was startled by the wall, it had been broken down with a burning fire, there hovered in font of him were two Genesis copies, he quickly slashed through them, not wanting to look at them. "Sephiroth!" Zack shouted, Sephiroth paused and turned around, to see Zack and Angeal, but Angeal was different, he had a single white wing on the left side of his body. "Sephiroth have you lost weight?" he asked concerned, "I have no time for petty matters I have to protect the President" Sephiroth said turning and walking away, "Zack let's investigate the labs" Angeal said grabbing Zack, he nodded and both headed for the labs.


Genesis had his crimson blade pointed at professor Hojo, "Genesis!" Angeal shouted, him and Zack ran over, "haha, it's the full cast of Hollender's freak show" Hojo chuckled. "shut up you!" Zack shouted "my friend the fates are cruel, there are no dreams no honour remains, the arrow has left the bow of the goddess" Genesis recited. "The epic Loveless, where the two friends challenge each other to a duel" Hojo said, "how does the duel end?" Angeal questioned. "Unknown, the last act is missing, yet to be discovered" Hojo answered back, "there are various theory's, the mysterious gift of the goddess, what does it mean for us at least?" Genesis then continued as he took to the sky "my soul corrupted by vengeance, hath endured torment to find the end of the journey, in my own salvation and your eternal slumber" Zack chased after Genesis "Genesis wait!" Zack shouted but to his surprise Angeal picked him up and flew after Genesis. They reached a platform "I'll see you soon" Angeal said as a dragon came down from the sky, "a summoning again?!" Zack growled as he pulled out his sword.

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