Chapter 6 - Loveless

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Sephiroth lay in the dark in bed trying to sleep, but he couldn't, he couldn't get Genesis off his mind, he just wanted to get to sleep, he did not care for petty matters, but Genesis was different, as he did matter and now he would be the reason for lack of sleep, Sephiroth sighed, he needed to make it up to the Cadet. As Sephiroth was finally drifting off to slumber his alarm went off, his pale green eyes widened, he didn't get any sleep, highly irritated he switched his bedside alarm off and sat up, he grabbed his black phone from the bedside table and dialled Lazards number, after ringing three times the phone picked up, "yes Sephiroth?" Lazard asked lazily, "send someone else in, I have a few things I need to sort out" Sephiroth said with a sigh, "fine, the Cadets can battle each other, I'll set something up for them" Lazard said displeased, "thank you Director" Sephiroth said before hanging up. Now that Sephiroth didn't have to train the Cadets he could take a walk around Midgar to clear his mind.


Sephiroth was in the town square of Midgar, the street's were full of pollution and crowds of people roaming around, it was indeed a busy town. Sephiroth sighed and walked down the street, a few drops of rain fell from the sky as he was walking, it began to get cold and dark very fast as he walked around trying to get his mind off Genesis which wasn't happening, after half hour or so it began raining heavily, puddles formed on the ground, Sephiroth's long silver hair began dripping with water, he was drenched in the rain. He came to the town square in the middle was a beautiful water fountain, the town's people were gone, the only people that were out were the shop owners, Sephiroth stared at the floor while walking towards the fountain dodging puddles under his feet, he then. sat on the ledge of the fountain and looked up, he saw the theatre and in dim lights advertised 'Loveless' immediately he thought about Genesis and how he adored the play, he sighed and stood up he needed to make up with him.


Genesis was in a mood as he was training with Angeal, he did not speak to him about Sephiroth the night before, all he did was read his favourite poem Loveless until his eyes grew heavy, "Genesis you're not paying attention" Angeal said as he knocked Genesis to the floor with a silver Soldier sword, "trying to be Sephiroth?!" Genesis hissed at his friend in a temper, as he jumped back up, Angeal sighed, "can't you just get on with training?" he asked slightly bored as Genesis wasn't putting up much of a fight, Genesis rolled his eyes and began fighting with Angeal, taking out his mood on him.

After a few hours of effortless training Genesis went to his room alone, he got to his door which was unlocked, frowning he opened the door without closing it behind him and walked over to his bed, he sighed and put his copy of Loveless on the bedside table when he noticed something in the corner of his eye. He turned towards his bed and saw a single red rose wrapped in red ribbon with a small white note, confused he picked it up and read the note, it said 'forgive me, let me make it up to you, meet me at the training room in an hour - S.' Genesis smiled to himself as he knew all to well it was Sephiroth, and now he longed to once again be in his arms.

After drying himself off from the bitter rain Sephiroth headed to the training room in hopes Genesis had agreed to meet him. Sephiroth opened the cold double doors anxiously and found Genesis with his back to him on a training bench reading with one leg over the other, "your late" he said hearing Sephiroth walk in. Sephiroth faintly smiled and walked over, he put his leather gloved hands on the Cadets shoulders, Genesis tilted his head back, leaning on the General's firm chest and looked deeply into Sephiroth's sparkling green eyes. They both smiled at each other, "did you miss me?" Genesis asked smirking, "maybe" Sephiroth said teasingly, he then walked around Genesis and sat next to him. Genesis closed his book and put it in his inside pocket, he then turned to Sephiroth, when suddenly a black leather hand creeped around his side and pulled him in closer, Sephiroth then wrapped his strong arms around his neck and softly pressed there lips together, Genesis slowly kissed back, during the movement of there lips his hands slowly began caressing Sephiroth's thigh teasingly, before there sexual tension could get resolved Sephiroth broke the kiss, and ran his fingers though auburn hair, "let's go" he said moving his hand to grab Genesis', Genesis looked in confusion as Sephiroth pulled him up, "go.. go where?" he asked frowning, Sephiroth sighed and smiled, "I'm talking you to see 'Loveless'" Genesis soon changed his tone as he would be dragging Sephiroth to the theatre.

As they took there seats in the theatre, Sephiroth sighed and wondered how he would watch

three hours of such a common story, where as Genesis was captivated by the play as it was his favourite. The play was only five minutes in and Sephiroth began daydreaming about things he would rather be doing with his Cadet. Genesis was infatuated with the play, he didn't even notice Sephiroth had fallen asleep until he felt his body weight lean on him, his beautiful rose and vanilla scented silver hair on his shoulders, displeased Genesis slowly reached into his pocket grabbing his most favoured book and hit Sephiroth across the head with it, "huh, what was that for?!" Sephiroth moaned loudly sitting up and rubbing his head, "shhh" Genesis said placing a finger over Sephiroth's lips, he then leaned on his chest and carried on watching Loveless, Sephiroth smiled and put an arm around Genesis' curved waist.

After three hours of boredom, the two Soldier's returned to Sephiroth's apartment, Genesis sat down on the black leather sofa while Sephiroth brought in two glasses of red wine and handed one to Genesis and bagan drinking, "stay with me tonight" Sephiroth said putting a hand on Genesis' thigh Genesis smirked and took a sip of wine, he then placed his glass on the coffee table and run his fingers through Sephiroth's hair eyeing up his body, faintly blushing Sephiroth kissed Genesis' lips he could taste the wine on him, he then pulled away and drank some of his own. Sephiroth put his glass down and pulled Genesis on top of him, kissing the cadet when he was off guard, which made him smirk as they were kissing, Genesis placed his hands on Sephiroth's silver shoulder pads and kissed back slipping his tounge in Sephiroth's mouth which made him moan. After a few moments of kissing and touching the lovers undressed and went into the bedroom to continue there sexual actions. This time Genesis was in charge, smirking in the dim lit room he climbed on top of Sephiroth licking and kissing down his jawline, his hands crept down the toned body reaching for his swollen cock and began teasingly stroking it slowly pulling up and down on his skin. Sephiroth let out a moan signaling to Genesis that he wanted more, Genesis smirked and started tuging harder, faster getting Sephiroth and himself very exited, then the cadet sat up and forcefully pounded into Sephiroth, the General gasped at the pain which made Genesis go slower but Sephiroth pulled Genesis in signaling that he wanted it, with a smirk Genesis gradually picked up speed with his rhythmic hips thrusting back and forth while his hands were occupied with Sephiroth's member. Genesis began panting with a coating of sweat on his body, moaning a final time Genesis was done in a couple of thrusts, Sephiroth came shortly after. Genesis collapsed in Sephiroth's arms once again, Sephiroth smiled and held his cadet in his loving arms, and gently kissed his forehead. The feelings he had for this man were getting stronger, just the touch of him gave his body butterflies, deep in his heart he knew he was in love.

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