Chapter 7 - First Class

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Genesis was in a deep slumber along with Sephiroth who was heavily inhaling and exhaling but this peaceful slumber was disturbed by Sephiroth's phone ringing on the bedside table. Sephiroth opened his pale heavy green eyes sighing, he moved Genesis from his chest and pickef up the phone. "Sephiroth I need you to go over some forms about the Soldiers" Lazard spoke on the other end of the phone, Sephiroth sighed and looked over at Genesis who was still asleep. "I'll stop by now" he said then flipping the phone shut, he faintly smiled and gently smoothed Genesis's cheek, he sighed then put his hand to the Cadets shoulder, "Genesis" he said shaking him awake. Bright blue eyes opened and his gaze was on Sephiroth, "what is it?" he asked in a quiet graspy voice. Sephiroth sighed "I have a few things I have to go over with Lazard, I'll try and see you later" Sephiroth answered with a gentle smile. Genesis sat up next to him, he put his hand on Sephiroth's muscular pex, he loved the touch of his body, he moved closer to him moving his hands to play with his silver hair, he then turned his face and softly kissed his lips making it last before pulling away. "alright, I'll get dressed and go to the gym." he said getting up, Sephiroth just watched his lover and then too got dressed.

Once again Sephiroth found himself walking into Lazards office, he signed as he walked in facing the Director. "here are the documents, choose wisely on which Soldiers you are going to recommend for first." Lazard said sliding over the papers with white gloved hands, Sephiroth took a seat opposite Lazard. Sephiroth skimmed through the Soldier's choosing who to recommend, he picked out Angeal, Nero, who was new to Soldier but proved his strength then he found Genesis he smiled to himself. Just as he was signing Genesis' recommendation he felt a hand creep up his thigh, Sephiroth took his eyes from the paper and looked directly at Lazard, "please could you explain why you have a hand on my leg?" Sephiroth asked in a firm cold tone. Lazard took his hand away as flirting was now out the window. Sephiroth frowned and finished signing the papers he got up, as he was walking out the door he said "don't try that again, as next time I will put you in your place." he then slammed the door shut to make it clear that it was a threat.

Genesis had finished working out at the gym with the new Soldier Nero, he had dark green eyes with electric long blue hair, he too like Genesis was very pale but was the shortest of the Soldiers, he was also relatively younger than Genesis, in a way Genesis found the other Soldier attractive but shock off his daydreams as he was with Sephiroth, the man he desired most.

Later that day Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal and Nero were sent to Lazards office. Sephiroth was the first there with his arms folded across his chest frowning then the other three Soldier's walked in together, Sephiroth gave a smirk at Genesis who then blushed a little as he walked in. "congratulations, as of today the three of you are first class Soldier's, you may where whatever you like and also you may visit your families." Lazard said with a faint smile, Genesis seemed to be the happiest as he could where red leather against black. Sephiroth sighed and left the room, Genesis frowned, "you may leave for your home town tomorrow" Lazard said before nodding for the Soldiers to leave. Genesis went straight to Sephiroth's apartment, with a rush of anxiety he knocked the black door. Sephiroth answered half smiling and let him come in. "something wrong?" Genesis asked while sitting on the sofa, "it's nothing, I .. I don't have a home town since I was raised in the ShinRa building, I wouldn't know what it's like" Sephiroth said with a sigh next to Genesis, "then come to Banora with me" Genesis asked "Banora huh.." Sephiroth said his mood not changing. "you may find it relaxing, as I spent many sunsets alone under the largest apple tree reading Loveless" Genesis said moving closer to Sephiroth. Sephiroth smiled and put his arms around Genesis lovingly, "alright, I'll go with you, I think I need to get away from ShinRa for a while anyway." Sephiroth said before capturing Genesis's lips against his.


Sephiroth awoke with Genesis lying on his chest, he lazily moved the Soldier off of him and looked at the time, it was fairly early in the morning so he decided to get up. Putting on a black silk dressing gown he tied it up as he walked to the kitchen and put the kettle on. Genesis woke up sighing as he was not the one for mornings but he was in a good enough mood to get dressed as he was going back to his home town Banora, he was craving the sweet taste of his favourite friut a simple Banora white, he had a faint smile across his face as he walked into the kitchen with Sephiroth who was making vanilla coffee. "do you want one?" Sephiroth asked as he was prepping his cup among a black kitchen surface, Genesis nodded as he needed something to wake him up. As the kettle was heating up Sephiroth walked closer to Genesis and put his arms around his neck, then tilting his head to kiss, he loved the shape of Genesis' lips and how soft they were, Genesis kissed back creeping his hands on Sephiroth's chest but while he was doing so they heard the sound of the kettle flip which ment the water was hot. Sephiroth moved from Genesis to add the hot water to the coffee and as he did the smell of fresh coffee and vanilla filled the kitchen he finished sturing the coffee and handed a cup to Genesis. While they were drinking the sweet vanilla coffee Sephiroth's phone began ringing, rolling his eyes he answered "is Genesis with you?" the voice on the other end asked "who's asking?" Sephiroth answered back a little irritated, "Angeal" the voice said, Sephiroth faintly smiled and passed the phone to Genesis who was now fully clothed in black leather. "Genesis were leaving in half hour so I suggest you get ready" Angeal said knowing that his friend would probably be late, Genesis rolled his eyes and flipped the phone shut, sighing as he passed it back to Sephiroth.

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