Chapter 39 - Save Me

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Sephiroth was in and out of consciousness laying in the bed, he was still loosing blood, he needed medical attention. Light footsteps broke the silence "Sephiroth" Genesis called out, "we have to go to the ShinRa manor" Genesis spoke without thinking, he remembered Hojo and what he said. His eyes widened, he wondered how would he explain this to Sephiroth. Sephiroth looked away, he was still confused about Jenova... he finally clicked, he would rule this planet with Genesis, he smirked "ok" he said but he had gone pale and Genesis had picked up on it, "Seph.." Genesis called walking towards the man. "I'll be fine" Sephiroth said reassuring the red head.


After a little while of Genesis walking Sephiroth to the ShinRa basement they were both faced with Hollender. Sephiroth had noticed a change in the man, he too was degrading, "Sephiroth agreed?" Hollender asked Genesis rolled his Mako eyes, "just get on with it" he said swaying across the room, he noticed Hojo's body and blood were gone. "first I will have to examen him" Hollender said approaching Sephiroth. He undressed his top half of clothing, he saw Sephiroth's pale tonned skin had splashes of red on it, Sephiroth looked up at the man "he's too weak-" "I don't care of my condition" Sephiroth cut him off. "very well" Hollender said injecting the silver elite, it didn't take long for Sephiroth to fall asleep, Hollender smirked, "in order to cure our degradation Sephiroth will die" Genesis narrowed his now silver eyebrows and smirked. "our?" he questioned, "I believe that you work for me, now, get to work before my blade finds it's next target" Genesis said coldly, Hollender frowned "fine" he said. He picked Sephiroth up and placed him in a test tube, and done the same with Genesis. After switching a few buttons Sephiroth's cells were being transfused to Genesis it didn't take too long but Hollender knew he was going to die anyway so he wanted to make Genesis' life a misery.


Sephiroth awoke next to Genesis within the ShinRa manor basement, his vision was blury but he made out a person sitting on a chair next to him, "finaly your awake" Hollender spoke, Genesis woke up fine and frowned at Hollender, "Sephiroth?" Genesis called out shaking Sephiroth, the silver elite didn't move, he felt drained as well as a tugging pain in his right shoulder, he didn't have the energy to speak. Genesis went pale and looked at Hollender, "what have you done to him?!" he threateningly asked, "could be side effects, or.. I might have given him the wrong injection" Hollender chuckled. Sephiroth lay there dizzy but angry, Genesis shot up and punched Hollender to the floor, "what did you do?" he asked booting the man in the mouth. "he is a perfect monster" Hollender smirked. Sephiroth gazed at Hollender but was powerless to even move, insted he was in ranged with the man, thats when the tugging pain was too much, a single black wing burst from the right side of his body, blood and feathers scattered the room, it was too much for Sephiroth and he soon passed out. Hollender was hysterically laughing on the floor, "how could you possibly save a monster?" he asked the ex soldier, "because, I am a monster too" Genesis answered back with  anger in his eyes "howl in pain ShinRa lapdog!" Genesis lunged his blade in Hollender's throat, the man lost air supply drowning in his own blood, he lay there twitching on the floor. "come on you" Genesis spoke to Sephiroth picking him up and pulling him over his shoulder and made his way to the basement.

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