Chapter 27 - Curiosity

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Sephiroth grew irritated throwing files of Genesis across his living room, but one paper fell on the black leather sofa next to him, he glanced down and saw the name 'Hollender' he finally clicked, he needed to get information out of him, he paced down the narrow hallways to Lazard's office and almost hit down the door. He burst in and slammed his hands on the Directors desk "where is Hollender?!" he asked frowning, Lazard startled back, "he's missing... since Gen-" he tried to speak but Sephiroth interrupted "Genesis took him? .. tell me why he left!" Sephiroth angrily forced Lazard to a wall. "h-his medical reports... he isn't human" Lazard said taking a deep breath. Sephiroth loosened his grip, "give me the file!" he demanded, Lazard scurried to his desk and grabbed Genesis's medical records quickly giving them to Sephiroth. Zack burst through the door, "Lazard, Sephiroth! Genesis, Angeal.. What's going on here?!" Zack blurted out. Sephiroth pushed past the Soldier with the file in hand returning to his apartment.


Sephiroth sat on his bed opening the file, "Genesis Rhapsodos aka project G, test results show that Genesis is a failure, he is to be sent to Banora to live with the Rhapsodos family, he is similar to project A, they are both failures and may gradually degrade The only success so far is project S. Test's show that after being injected with Jenova cells Genesis collapsed and effects of the cells caused a single black wing to burst from his left shoulder. Since the training room incident he has began to degrade, further tests should be taken on the subject." Sephiroth's eyes widened after he read the statement, "that's why he left....." he whispered to himself, he heard that there were Genesis copys sighted in Mako reactor 5, so that is where he would be heading to.

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